Worst. Prize. Ever.

I'd rather have won a week in Spain than this shít.

And he doesn't even end up with a hotty. Instead he gets that old lady, fish-wife.

If the Kurgan had won, I bet his first words on realising what he'd won would have been.........fûck!


The alternative is constantly watching your back for others trying to kill you and having to watch those most dearest to you age and die....over and over again.

The Prize therefore is pretty good.

No Dana Goldberg for you  - in loving memory of BrianReass


I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he got exactly what he wanted. He says at several points he really wants children, or all he wants is children. And I think he said he wants to grow old and die, rather than watch the world pass him by, while his loves wither and die.

Ramírez said if The Kurgan won, he'd have Evil'd all over the place, which seemed to be his main goal in life.

Without googling, I'm gonna go ahead and guess the prize is the traditional hippy-dippy hearts desire Bull films like to spew.

The day will not save them. And we own the night.


He also became "at one with all living things" and knows what everyone in the world is thinking, a power he can use to make the world a better place.

The Kurgan, on the other hand, could have used his new ability to manipulate people and rule the world, or at least make it worse.


What would the prize be like for Ramirez?


There's a few 'Highlander' fans out there, including myself, who actually have a theory regarding the Prize.
The theory is that 'the Prize' is whatever you want it to be, it's kind of a 3-wishes deal. Connor wanted to grow old, have children, and help people, so what does he get? Mortality, fertility and telepathy (of some degree). He gets what he always wanted, albeit they're still vague on the details. We just know that Connor was perfectly happy with the result.
So we think the Kurgan may have chosen something like Superman-esque power, indestructibility, mind-control, to have a 12-foot penis, whatever he wanted. So we think that the Prize is anything you want it to be.
