So... bestiality?

You know what I'm talking about.


I think it is different if it is Lea Thompson and thus, duckiality -


Nothing wrong with interspecies love.

I mean, he wore a condom. Or had one in his wallet at least.


It was more teasing than anything. Did Howard have sex with human women in the comics? Granted Lee is hot in this, but she's also an alien to him. Howard is ugly, and I don't think his personallity would matter. Would they really be sexually attracted to each other?


They were definitely having a sexual relationship in the comics, at least in the b&w ones.


Yeah.. While she may have been playing earlier.. I think the inference at the end may have been that there might be something more developing by the end of the film (before the credits). So I would think yeah, this film does lean into that idea a tad bit.


Perhaps that is what turned viewers away from the movie. I recall one critic being annoyed by the bestiality theme.


What makes Beauty and the Beast with Ron Perlman/Linda Hamilton and Vastra/Jenny on Doctor Who no different? everyone doesn't seem to mind them as they had women who had lovers who aren't human.

There is nothing wrong with interspecies love i say but only between Beings and Howard isn't a duck you find at the pond here on Earth, he is an interdimensional duck being and Howard/Beverly were always a couple. There was also Queen Lilandra/Professor Charles Xavier on X-men TAS/comics where it has a mutant man romancing an alien bird woman who's race evolved from a space bird.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


I really don't know how she could get past that beak... It would be right in your face most of the time...

But hay, we have all kinds of so-called "love" now a days; LGBT, Furry, self-love... whatever trips your trigger...


I would think the key concept would be sentience. The ability to consent. Because went you get right down to it there is no real difference between Beverly and Howard than there is between Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

That beak does set up some logistical limitations though... 

I'm so far out of your league, if your's were to explode I wouldn't hear it for 3 days.


Thompson made incest cute in Back To The Future. Bestiality's a walk in the park for the Duchess of Depravity.

When the producers realised they had to sell bestiality to a family audience, they got on the Thompson hotline, and she delivers. She actually makes the Howard/Beverly relationship genuinely sweet and the emotional core of this batshìt insane film. Even more impressive considering the writers couldn't decide whether she really wants to screw Howard or if she's kidding (doubtful given she's about to take her top off before he stops her, and their backstage almost-kiss before credits roll).


I wouldn't call it bestiality since Howard is an alien and a humanoid being, as nothing wrong with humans in love with aliens as you seen in Star Wars and Trek stuff where humans romance aliens and in interspecies relationships. Beastality is only when it comes to non-anthro feral animals, not with humanoid beings, monsters, anthros and aliens.

I mean they were always lovers in the comics

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress, gargoyle! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"-Prince Lir from The Last Unicorn.


What makes that no different than other odd romances in Marvel like Beast and Carly on X-Men the animated series? a human woman in a relationship with a non-human looking mutant with blue fur and looks like a cat/human/ape hybrid.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"
