Marvels First Movie!

Now there bringing back another animal/alien in Rocket Racoon who I think will be bad ass I can't wait! Marvel has come a long way but I still like to believe that Howard the Duck is walking around in the MCU! Everyone go see Guardians!


Really do they not count 1979 captain america


'Really do they not count 1979 captain america.'

That was on tv. Back on topic. Yes this was MARVEL 's First Theatrically released movie. Ponder that.



Just was thinking, that Marvel never had a great start in films compared to DC.

This, the Lundgren Punisher film, the horrible 1990 Cap film....and seeing them now....they have certainly come a long way.


Technically you could say Red Sonja was the 1st b/c Roy Thomas won the lawsuit and owns the copyright for that character inspire of not getting credit for that movie, hence her first legal appearance was in the Marvel comics. Of course, that makes her legally independent and not apart of Marvel's House of Ideas.

I know that made Steve Gerber and Marv Wolfman jealous who both lost their lawsuits with Marvel over Howard and Blade respectively. I suppose Roy knew how to pick his battles since he was going against the Robert E. Howard estate claiming Red Sonya, a gun slinger from Russia, is the original. Gerber would go on to create Destroyer Duck for Epic comics and steal Howard in a cute/sneaky Image/Marvel crossover ala the Spider-Man clone saga. The best Marv Wolfman could do was do another Dracula (public domain character) with Dark Horse sans his vampire hunters like Blade and Hannibal King.

All good things must come to an end - Chaucer


Not a feature film, but one could argue Marvel's (Or Timely's) first was the 1944 Captain America serial.


The Incredible Hulk 1978


The Hulk and Spider-Man movies of the 1970s were made for television but released theatrically in Europe. Howard the Duck was the first Marvel-based feature film made for cinema (1944's Captain America being a serial, not a feature).


THEY'RE bringing back. It comes from THEY ARE.
Not THERE. There means "in that direction". You illiterate ignorant.

"Relics of ancient times. Lonely cenotaphs. Standing along that melancholy tideland."

