MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > Proves that Lucas was addicted to making...

Proves that Lucas was addicted to making B Movies

Star Wars is a B Movie space western turned in to an A Movie (if you like that sort of thing). Indiana Jones too, especially the inclusion of scifi in Crystal Skull. Howard the Duck is simply not as good as it should have been. The duck suit itself is well made. But the Dark Lord is far too creepy and one note to dominate so much of this film. Either make it wholly 'adult' or wholly child friendly, not this uneasy mish mash. But the main problem is simply that it doesn't have enough fun set pieces. Lucas seems to prefer hammy, cheesy dialogue and acting. I am sure his entire film career is meant to be an injoke like what would a moralistic Russ Meyer release if he was in to puppets, spaceship and aircraft shots and 30s/40s adventure serials?


Yea, it's funny that Star Wars was originally indented to be Flash Gordon but he couldn't secure the rights. Indiana Jones was originally to be a James Bond film, but again couldn't get the rights. They both became classics. He gets the rights for Howard the Duck and it becomes an infamous bomb. Should have went original.

One thing I wonder is, did he try to get the rights from Dave Sim for Cerebus the Aardvark before or after this movie? if before, it might explain why he didn't seem that interested in remaining faithful to Howard's comic and should have just followed his previous pattern of success and did his own thing after failing to secure copyrights.

All good things must come to an end - Chaucer
