Will this be rebooted?

Since his appearance in Guardians of Galaxy, will Marvel allow HTD to put him on the screen again?


I doubt there will be a reboot, but I hope the cameo in GUARDIANS wasn't just a gag. Maybe Howard could have a bigger role in GUARDIANS 2. I could settle with that.




Fingers crossed!


Maybe a bigger role in Guardians 2 and in other MCU movies and Marvel shows

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS


Until this "comic book" movie craze dies out, Marvel/Disney will continue to strip mine their roster of characters. That means at some point they'll eventually find their way down to Howard. I can see it now; MCU Phase 15 - 2028 - "Captain American Samoa", "Protectors of the Milky Way" and "Howard the Duck".

A journey into the realm of the obscure: http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


I would welcome a reboot, even though I really loved this film. It would neat to see a film more closely related to the Howard the Duck comics. Even if it doesnt get one, maybe a larger part in GOTG 2 or more appearences in future Marvel films. Hopefully, this little cameo wont be the last we see of Howard.

"I am the one who knocks."


Maybe a cheap CGI heavy series on Netflix or Starz.
