MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > What was the scientist's problem?

What was the scientist's problem?

"Howard! Wiki wiki wiki wiki!!!"

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? Just for no apparant reason he just bumps into Howard and makes that random sound effect to him. In front of his girlfriend. What does she see in him, i mean really?

Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.


Well I guess since the characters purpose is nothing more than connecting Beverly to the Science Lab they really didnt think of doing anything more with the character than to be a means of Howard getting back to the lab so they decided that no one will care about the character beyond that so they thought they might as well make him a jackass.


Ok, but still, what I was trying to get across was: he couldn't have had some dialogue for Howard or something when he notices Howard. For example, "Howard, wow what a coincidence!" or "Howard, remember me?", or even "Howard, it's you! Man remember me! Yeah, I'm that guy from the lab! It's a small world, ain't it?" Anything would have been better than "Howard, wiki wiki wiki wiki!!!!" It just made no sense, I literally laughed the first time I heard that scene, it was that stupid.

God what was George Lucas thinking? This, Jar Jar, and the Star Wars Christmas Special are his top 3 no-nos. What worries me the most though is that George Lucas thinks that Jar Jar and Howard are ok, but the Christmas Special was bad. So if he thinks Jar Jar and Howard are ok, and they suck, and he thinks that the Christmas Special is bad, then that means the Speical must be horrible sh*t. I caught about 10 minutes of it, was so disgusted I changed the channel to watch Jingle All the Way, I was that desperate to get away from it.

Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.


What does his girlfriend see in him? Pickings are slim? Who knows?

Why does he mae weird sounds? That's 'cause he is a goofy guy. You didn't catch that part? LOL BTW He wasn't a scientist. &


seriously...what r the odds that the first person howard talks to is a girl who has a direct connection to the lab that was responsible for bringing him to earth?


You guys all missed it --- think Howard is a duck, and the guy makes a noise like the only other talking duck he knows, who happens to have a speech impediment, namely Donald Duck! A really bad imitation I know, but then who can do Donald real good except Disney (Nash). That is what I thought when I saw it. But then I like DD.


LOL!!!!! I just literally laughed out loud thinking of that scene. That's one of the funniest Philsy moments lmao. He was so STUPID lol. one of the funniest characters, for sure.


I have no idea why but your post made me double over laughing, OP.

"That fart was so deadly Jack Bauer should have been called to stop it!" -Me


Wiki Wiki.
