MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > We recently recorded a podcast on Howard...

We recently recorded a podcast on Howard from Melbourne, Australia

Tune in and subscribe if you like our little show.

from description:
#HowardTheDuck otherwise known as Howard: A New Breed of Hero! based on the #Marvel comic book series from the 1970s created by #SteveGerber, and presented by #GeorgeLucas, directed by #WillardHuyck, and starring #LeaThompson, #TimRobbins and #JeffereyJones.

Throughout this discussion we examine why Howard was voted one of the 50 worst films of all time. Why #GeorgeLucas allegedly wanted his name off this film, and how most of the budget went into the animatronics to control Howard's head.

But was is it as bad as what everyone thinks it is?

Join the SGSteam to discover how a perceivably bad film transforms into.... a cult classic.

#HowardTheDuck... it's not as bad as what it seems!

"There's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens".
