Tom Robbins for real .

This must be one movie that Robbins is totally ashamed of .. I can't even imagine ... lol .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".


Who is Tom Robbins?


Elephantlips: Tim Robins, aka Mr. Susan Sarandon; as in James Brolin, aka Mr. Barbra Streisand.

I believe this is a much better movie for Tim than The Shawshank Redemption. It has Lea Thompson in her underwear; It has Jeffery Jones as his slightly crazy self; And, not only does it have the wonderfully odd Howard the Duck… but he plays guitar during the end credits.

But mostly, I found the soul searching drama much more believable than Shawshank. When, at the end, Howard has to decide if he is going to destroy the LASER and be stranded on Earth… I could really feel the tug on my heart strings.

I give this movie a 10/10 for its off the chart pure-camp, mediocre acting, a duck that can neither fly or swim, and an 80’s classic that George Lucas (executive producer) should be proud of.

And, Yes, much of that was sarcasm... but it's still a great, cute movie!

"When all else fails, turn it off and show it who's boss."
- Apple IIe manual, 1982
