MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > This movie, character, concept, & idea s...

This movie, character, concept, & idea sucked Should never be revisited.

No reboot.

No cameos.

The whole idea of this character is super retarded.


Steve Gerber's original comic books are among the smartest, funniest and most imaginative works ever published by Marvel. The 1986 film version, on the other hand, is a failure on every level and doesn't resemble the true character or concept in any way.

Given the right treatment, a new Howard the Duck movie could work as a sort of cross between Ted and American Splendor.


Total nonsense. This movie was way ahead of it's time and is the reason we have the MCU today. Total classic.


You like the movie, that's fine. But it's neither a good version of the comic book or had any positive impact on the current generation of Marvel movies; that's entirely down to the success of the Rami Spider-Man films and X-Men series.

The film is an industry joke of Heaven's Gate proportions.
