MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > Who saw this in theaters?

Who saw this in theaters?


And if so, what was the experience like?

Thanks in advance :)


My aunt did

she said there wasnt very many people in the theater with her, she went by herself, and the part when Howard went to find a job with the employment agency and he went to bite the sassy black woman's ass only to have the woman turn around and place a sheaf of papers in his beak, i remember she told me she found that scene very funny for some reason, and couldnt stop laughing to the point it was well past the scene. i know it sounds like i'm making it up, but i remember her telling this story.


Nice ! Memories are great!



I saw this opening weekend in a nice theatre in 70 MM six track Dolby Stereo. The theatre had close to 1000 seats and there was may be 20 people in the theatre.

The picture and the sound presentation were top notch unlike the film which was so so. However, I have grown to like the film over the years.



Wasnt a really horibble film through the eyes of a 13 year old back then.


My first wife and I saw it when it first came out and really loved it. I just watched it yesterday and, let's just say the memory cheats.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Think I saw it opening night with my dad and a couple friends. I liked it. Was a little disappointed in the ending and some awkward moments throughout. I thought it had some funny lines. Really loved the Dinner scene. Tim Robbins and Jeffrey Jones were great! I still love the songs of Cherry Bomb!


I was a huge Howard the Duck fan and went to see it opening night. I have no idea what the theater was like, I can just remember my colossal disappointment. Howard was my hero and they turned it into a complete turd.

I suppose it speaks volumes about my life at that time that a comic book duck was my hero...



I saw it in a small theater in San Angelo TX. I think there were only about 5 people in the theater. I thought it was just OK at the time but have grown to love it over the years.

Thanks to iTunes, last night I watched the movie in HD with Dolby Digital surround on my 106" projection screen. What a treat that was. Acually better then when I first saw it. Awesome.


I did. I was 13. I was disappointed by how bad Howard looked. I really wanted to like the movie since I was a huge George Lucas fan, but by the end of the movie, I'd really given up on convincing myself it was good.


