It wasn't THAT bad

Well it wasn't

Fine cinema enthusiasts please prepare to talk smack about my intelligence and/or education


I wholeheartedly agree... I quite enjoyed it.

... the hardest thing in this world is to live in it...


The first hour is dumb, but Dr. Jenning and his transformation make up for it.

I hate winter.


It was amusing at various moments, just not worthy of the hype it received at the time.

"Starscream cookies are more than meets the icing!" --Nostalgia Critic


I still love it!


I saw this movie at the time, 27 years ago, and it wasn't that bad then, and it sure isn't that bad now. I came here to post this exact same sentiment - what's with all the hate? It's just not that bad!

Lea Thompson is always adorable. The duck was pretty realistic, and pretty cute. I liked their relationship. The dialogue, although bad, wasn't THAT bad.

The only thing that really annoyed me about this movie was one word:


Did he have to keep calling him that? That name is just stupid and obnoxious, and he says it over and over again.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
