Dark Overlord Voice

Sorry if this was asked already but was Jeffrey Jones' voice altered in any way when he was playing the dark overlord (I mean when he still looked human)? As in a post production kind of way?

"Starscream cookies are more than meets the icing!" --Nostalgia Critic


i recall them mentioning in one of the featurettes that it was Jones who came up with the voice and did it himself. but that they did add an effect to it later on to make it sound more demonic.

Jones used that same voice in a Tales from the Crypt episode i think. im pretty sure it was Tales from the Crypt.


Sorry for the delay, thank you for the response. So wait, was the effect added when the Dark Overlord was still humanoid or when it became the monster?

"Starscream cookies are more than meets the icing!" --Nostalgia Critic
