MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > I loved it as a kid and watched it tonig...

I loved it as a kid and watched it tonight on Netflix after 20 years...

...and it isn't that bad! Why do people rag on this movie so much?


i still wonder the same thing. people seem to label it as the worst film of the 80s. but as a kid i loved it and always hoped for a sequel.

watching it on the Special Edition DVD i gotta say i still enjoy it. i now get all the adult humor that i never even comprehended as a child.
i think that the duck costume is still fun to see. the visual effects were also pretty good for the time. its an absurd movie but its based on a comic book character that just didnt seem to have much popularity compared to other characters. its pretty much a different Howard the Duck.

its more nostalgia but i dont find this to be a really bad movie. there are far worse out there. this one really is interesting though because its like a fish out of water story and then turns into somewhat of a scifi horror movie.


It rocked there brain too hard.

Subconsiously, most people rely heavily on flow of emotions to interpet the world around them. When they've established a concrete idea of what they refer to as "normal", something abnormal or something they don't understand may have a lesser chance surviving there established views. It's worse when you take into account the social aspect. For whatever dumb reason, many have the desire of being wanted. If an abnormal idea enters into one's world, usually it wouldn't be solely up to the individual to decide for itself, the underlying thought of how others will think strongly plays into the overall opinion.

Ignoring the masses, I love this film. No nostalgia. The varying ideas, unpredictability at times, sci-fi, generic '80s rock band, the idea of a duck and woman getting together, how the actors/actresses portrayed there characters, I love that! Makes for a fun time. Compared to the comic, I could see a complaint or two, but taking it for what it is- Quacktastic!




I never saw this as a kid and had always heard people vaguely say that it was stupid. So, naturally I was curious to see it and gave it a chance. I'm not going to say it was great, but it kept my interest and was exciting. I think the problem is that really should have been a kid's movie, but it was adult enough that parent's wouldn't take their kids to it.



You like it because it is nostalgic and as a kid you liked it. If you never saw it as a kid chances are you wouldn't like it. I watch it now and see it for the horrible movie it is but it still has its merits because I liked it as a kid.



I first saw this film years ago, I'm 16 now and to be honest I don't think its too bad either.

Goth for LIFE!


Do not know if I would like it today. And I am not eager to watch it again, as I remember, that Howard had that special 80ies "very funny, extracool dude" air around him. But I liked it as a kid. Also I remember very well the performance of Jeffrey Jones, who did a very good job here.


My childhood fav too! Guys, your awesome!
And 4.6?!? IMDB community! COme on...
