MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > How is it possible this movie got 3 sequ...

How is it possible this movie got 3 sequels yet TopGun has none?




Top Gun made more money in its run than Iron Eagle and all of its sequels COMBINED.. TG made about 176 Million or so..Navy applicants went up by 500% by everyone wanting to be Navy pilots..



TG would end up being like a Rocky, Mav ends up becoming an instructor etc They might even borrow from IE and have him flying some far fetched rescue mission when Iceman gets shot down.

I prefer TG too but for that reason it's best left as it is. The IE sequels were terrible anyway.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.



Iron Eagle II & III are pretty decent action movies, although not anywhere near being in the same universe as the original.

Being an airplane buff the lack of accuracy started to get to me with the sequels and they lacked the boys own adventure quality of the original.

Using the most iconic American and perhaps Cold War jet the F-4 Phantom II as Mig stand ins for IE2 was just too much. But I did soldier on and watch all of the sequels anyway.

They are more straight up action films, like an aerial shoot 'em up really.

Top Gun did everything it could have done one film. To push it further you would have had to start dealing with more serious storylines and that in itself would kill the fun/coolness factor.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.



I'm from the future and you're pretty close.


Just another point as to why TG didn't get sequels and IE did, IE was cheap. Dirt cheap really in the grand scheme of things and TG was damn expensive with big stars who probably didn't want to do another TG anyway.

You can do a IE without Jason Gedrick, or even without Louis Gosset Jnr, but you can't do TG without Tom Cruise.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.



Top Gun had a sequel. Top Gun: The Second Mission. It sucked just as much as the first one did.
