The Snake Run

Just found this on youtube. Man thats an impressive hammerhead (if you can call it that since its not completely vertical) maybe the camera angle makes the rocks look closer to the plane than they are. The end stretch still raises an eyebrow. Would a Cesna really have that much trouble out running a dirtbike flat out? Even if it was burning oil.

Yes, Rico. Kaboom


The Cesna would not have that much trouble outrunning the dirtbike. You can see that the plane's flaps are completely in the down position, which is sort of like running with the brakes on.



I am surfing the Aunt Bee chatroom... I have officially hit rock bottom.


The Cesna Skyhawk 172 is a pretty quick plane for its class. It cruizes between 100 and 120 knots (115 - 130mph, roughly, at that altitude), but for that kind of manuvering I'm thinking more along the lines of 70-80 knots (80-90mph). If I were flying that plane, I wouldn't feel comfertable unless I was doing about 85 knots with full flaps (full flaps = more drag and more lift, and at 85 knots I'm still manuverable with plenty of speed to gain some altitude if I need).

The Honda XR that Knotcher is riding is probably 500cc. It's a pretty quick bike but doesn't hardly match the speed of the Cessna.


Not to mention that the straightaway would be easy... and with ground effect a 172 can do way higher speeds


Agree with all the above but it's not a 172. From the tail number search, and verified as the one in the movie: Aircraft N9828J Profile 1975 Cessna A150M.


It was an XR350, and it was the first iteration. The year after, it was bumped from 339cc to 353cc and had a lot more HP. As mentioned though, having owned a similar 350 back in the 80's, they are good for about 80-90mph depending on terrain. No where near the speed to outrun a cessna.


Notcher was a real douche. How come Dougie and his crew didn't pummel that guy?


Knotcher was the only cool guy in the whole movie. Once he wasn't in it, it stunk!
