total complete crap

only caught the end thank god what a load of bollocks he blew up the airfield stopped his plane got out had a heart to heart with his dad. why did the baddies just keep sending cars through then a bike and what were they firing at. then the main baddie asks for the most heavily armed plane ??? why arm one plane with extra missiles, and why send up planes with no missiles anyway cause no one even fired a shot.but then they got back and i thought ,there in trouble now as the guy said you have broken just about every rule we have,but they let them off long as you never say a secret....i know what we will throw a parade for you invite the press...... jesus crap crap crapCRAP.


and yeah, the ending is the best part. so that tells you something.


Hey come on guys,its the normal macho american film vs the bad arabs,who cant fight for *beep*


God you're a complete idiot. Are you like 12 years old? I can't understand how anyone can be so stupid. It's a movie. Do you think it's supposed to be realistic? Obviously you do. Well I have a news flash. IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE REALISTIC TO BE AN ENJOYABLE, ACTION PACKED MOVIE. Welcome to Rambo, and a billion other unrealistic action movies. Esp in the 80's

Why dont you go watch Shrek or Harry Potter. *LMAO* - can you imagine how they'll be viewed in 20 years time? Loser.


Thank you. At least someone realizes this is JUST A MOVIE. People just like to bitch and moan. Get over it.


Way to take the movie way, way too seriously. I mean really, do you actually think that any adult on this board believes that a teenager would be able to fly a US fighter aircraft in order to save his father? It is called a movie and therefore it is not real, lighten the heck up....


actually the F-16 is so easy to fly a teenager probobnly could but yeah it is a movie about a kid STEALING an f-16 if the stealing part wasnt unrealstic enough then the dog fights were.


Whoa, people! Lighten up! I mean no sh!t, Sherlock. We KNOW it's JUST A MOVIE. Relax. Obviously, you've missed the point entirely. It has nothing to do with taking this movie too seriously. You guys are the ones taking it way too seriously because you can't accept that maybe people who aren't taking it that seriously have no problem laughing at it!

All we're saying is that this movie is hilariously bad. The people who need to lighten up are those who can't laugh at this movie for what it is! It's a complete piece of trash! Doesn't mean it's not amusing to watch or anything, but c'mon people. It's so funny because it's supposed to be a serious movie. That's the whole charm of it. That's why we can sit back and laugh at it! :D


isn't jason gedrick's character 18 in the movie?? the movie is bad but no way they'd write a 16 yr old kid into the script that can fly f-16's.

most 80's action movies are horribly bad, but i guess this one would be among the worst. a b-grade 80's action movie, if such categories exist.


Lol, this is one of the greatest movies of the 80s. Period. Pussies.


I thought the movie might have been produced by Cannon Films. They made a lot of schlock. But it was produced by TriStar Pictures.


This and Red Dawn were the classic 80's American ra-ra movies...and I loved them.


Sadly, you missed the beginning of the film, which was the only good part. The motorcycle nemesis racing the Snake against the Cessna.
All downhill after the first 15.
