MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > Things i learned from 'Iron Eagle'

Things i learned from 'Iron Eagle'

1. Arabs have deep Russian accents when they speak English

2. An F-16 can carry more bombs than a B-52

3. black people love ronald reagen

4. you can survive a plane crash if you hit the water at mach 1

5. if there is a huge fire between your army and the enemy, it is better to charge through the fire than go around it.

6. Stealing two F-16s and wrecking one of them, destroying the economy of an entire country, and illegaly hacking into air force computers will get you into the air force academy if you get rejected academicaly

7. listening to cheesy 80s pop will enhance youre performance as a fighter pilot


8. Kfir fighter aircraft are made out of wood.


8. Kids between the ages of 12 and 18 actually hold all of the power on an Air Force Base.

9. Playing really crappy 80s music makes your F-16 go extra fast and recoup 20 minutes of lost time in under two minutes flat.

10. The peanut farmer Jimmy Carter was a pussy president. "Ray-gun" Reagan has the cojones to knock the teeth out of terrorist states...although even though Reagan is president in this film, he doesn't do anything to go after the unnamed Middle Eastern country.

11. Leaders of unnamed Middle Eastern countries have nothing better to do than to listen for the military frequency warnings (in English) of incoming pirated F-16 planes.

12. Firing a few rounds of the gun of a F-16 can cause aircraft control towers, radar towers, tents, and howitzers to blow up in fiery balls of fire.

13. High school graduation scenes from 1985 are just as lame as high school graduations from today.

14. A PG-13 rating can be achieved by simply plugging in expletives every other word spoken by the high school protagonist.

15. I really, really, really want a Hades bomb for Christmas.

16. 1 F-16 can bring an entire country to its knees economically and militarily.

17. Computers in the 80s were really, really bad.

18. Lamar from "Revenge of the Nerds" did have an acting career outside of his role in the Nerds movies after all!

19. When the Middle Eastern leader in the Mig says "Time to Die, Iron Eagle!", that is your cue that the Middle Eastern leader is about to die.

20. Blowing up $100 million worth of oil is really cool when you do it while playing "One Vision" on your boot-legged Sony Walkman.

21. It sucks that the iPod wasn't invented in the 1980s, because Doug Masters could really, really use one on his mission.

22. Chappy can see into the future in terms of his pre-recorded message to Doug that is played after Chappy goes down.

23. Arabs will knowingly drive motorcycles and trucks through a giant wall of fire on a runway instead of driving around the giant wall of fire to get to the American infidel invaders.

24. The little brother always plays the comic relief role in 80s movies, much like in "Sixteen Candles" and "Better Off Dead".

25. People who aren't in the Air Force can use the simulators, fly F-16s, borrow F-16s from air force bases, order in-flight refueling, and take matters into their own hands as long as their dad is being held by an evil Muslim regime.


1. Enemy guided missiles are so poorly made, that four of them can be fired at you, and all you have to do to evade them is climb and bank to the right. Either that, or pilots in the Middle East like to fight with unguided rockets instead of guided missiles.

2. In the Middle East, external fuel tanks are so expensive and hard to find, that you never drop them, even when going into combat with a more agile opponent.

3. When American pilots have the oppurtunity to run, they don't take it, even when they're out-numbered to two or three to one.

4. American pilots (Air Force, anyway; the dialogue in the Top Gun dogfight seemed tighter) are very chatty, even in the middle of a life-or-death furball.


1 Tents explode.

2 Middle eastern countries have only sniper rile to spare and are not that good of a shot anyway.

3 Dads should shut up when your trying to tough talk the bad guy.

4 If your Cessna is leaking oil as you are about to land you crash anyway.

5 When someone sabotages a plane so your engine seizes, its just kids having fun.

6 Air Force personnel are extremely gullible.

7 Theres a big difference between 'letting him land' and 'make sure he's stopped' when cutting one to pieces.

8 Doug Masters personal actions are responsible for rising gas prices.


I think we're up to 30... so I'll begin there:

30: An F-16 can fly from Germany to Billyad (in the Middle East) without any spare fuel tanks or in-flight refueling while fully loaded with bombs and rockets.

31: Jason Gedrick/Doug Masters can walk around a flight line with his mullet poking out of his helmet without causing anyone to be suspicious.

32: that Col. Chappy Sinclair pre-recorded a tape that is in perfect sync with what Doug is going to do.


"7. listening to cheesy 80s pop will enhance youre performance as a fighter pilot"
The soundtrack is fantastic! Is it possible to get on CD?


First CD I ever bought; and back than I was making 5$ per week in allowance & the CD was like $19 bucks.


33. One kid with zero experience in piloting advanced fighter jets can fight and win against numeriorically superior middle eastern guys with years of experience.

34. A girl I used to like actually enjoyed it. Let's just say her stock fell...

35. Starting an one-man crusade against some rogue country and jeopardize the entire safety of the region is ok, and you won't even get coart martialed back home and put away for life.

36. People in the 80's were even dumber than they are now because this ultra silly crapfest actually made number 1 at the box office when it was new.

37. There still are fools who compare this to Top Gun, itself an extremely overrated movie (with gay vibes).


god TopGun is truly the 2nd gayest movie of all time behind Brokeback Mountain


Always go to a black man's bedroom when staying in his trailer


38. No one at the tower will notice that Kids are using a landing strip/Runway to race.

39. Only the star of this movie can just drive through the entrance of a base without stoping.


40. Machine gun rounds can "lock on" to a target?

41. Any time an enemy fighter jet is hit(rockets or machine gun) it instantly blows up!


42. Anyone can fly a military jet with only simulator tranning, Even though you have to be trained to handle G-LOC and teach you self to learn how to Breathe at 40 thousand feet or you will never become a military fighter pilot.



He had been up in an F-16 "a bunch of times" with his Dad.


you can be up in the air with and F-16,-f18 he and his dad was joy-riding, it not the same as flying into combat. I doubt his father took him into air with a max takeoff weight of weapons.


- Doug masters can take on an entire country without even proper training, but cant handle one soviet mig in hte sequel


- Doug masters can take on an entire country without even proper training, but cant handle one soviet mig in hte sequel

Best post in this thread.


- Junior girls are off limits to freshmen


- Oliver from the Brady Bunch is really good with computers. He'll be going into business with Chappy.

- Chappy and Doug Masters have the same world atlas. (Same one I had back then. Actually I still have it, although it's pretty worn out now.)

- James Brown is essential for planning a military operation, while Queen is the preferred group for carrying out the operation. (I suppose Peter, Paul, and Mary would be out of the question.)

- We now know why he's called "Ronnie Ray-Gun." If his name had been "Poindexter," it just wouldn't have been the same.

- Chappy gives a *beep*

- Finally, they figured out a way for Doug Masters to keep his big mouth shut.

- It might be necessary to know when Col. Nakesh goes to the can.

- Mr. Peanut was once in charge of our nation.
