David Suchet?

After the Mistister of Defense (Suchet) decides to pilot the mig himself and take down Doug and his father, you might notice that once he is in full gear, including helmet and face mask, his eyes are very different. Suchet has a very distinct face and it is clearly not him in the aircraft.


Maybe he was busy, rehearsing to be Periot? I was very proud of myself for having recognized that they were the same actor... LOL


great actor, today he'd turn down such cheesy *beep* in a heartbeat.




I just saw a bit of Iron Eagle on TV and of course I was amazed how bad it was. And then, David Suchet turns up! It was extremely confusing. He must have been _really_ low on cash.


He's an actor and it was a job. He also played a terrorist in Executive Decision.


David Suchet was excellent as the terrorist in Executive Decision. He's a great actor!


David Suchet had to have been really bored to do a piece of trash like Iron Eagle. Or perhaps he was in need of some quick cash, like Betsy Palmer in Friday the 13th.


Betsy Palmer is a sweetheart. I met her back in 2005 at Dragon*Con. Truth is most of her career was based on trading off of her appearance in that movie.


I was impressed that the Minister Of Defense was an ace pilot.
