MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > THIS MOVIE BLEW DOG!! PERIOD


Y'know I was 16 when this movie came out and STILL thought it sucked.
How shameless was the I-need-music-to-fly-well thing was sooo obviously a ploy to cue up music during the fighting scenes it was rediculous.


You just lost yourself an oil refinery!!!


who would have thought that flying an F-16 is as easy as getting on the bus :)


This movie is ridiclous there is no way a kid with that limited amount of flying experience and only one plane could literally take on a entire Libya/Iraq/Syria type of nation's military force. That is almost as far fetched as Rambo taking on a entire division of Soviet troops in full combat gear in a traditional combat scenario in Rambo III. It is impossible.


Of course it's ridiculous, but it's a lot of fun too.




I see what you're saying and I didn't watch it for any reason other than it was on Tv one day. It just irritated me that without a good pilot even the most advanced war plane is a large metal mass travelling really fast until it hits something. Tactics aren't going to change much if you have no flight experience. Here some kid jumps into a plane and takes out several middle-eastern pilots like they are flying hangliders. Felt like I was sitting through a promotional tape for the Airforce or some ultimate airplane test.


I will add a vote for a 10.0 after I get done with this reply. That will somewhat up the grade of the current 4.8.

If you say that this movie is ridiculous, SAY THAT TOP GUN IS RIDICULOUS! Doug Masters gets on the Air Force flights the exact same way that Tom Cruise and the crew do in Top Gun. The exact same people in this topic said that Top Gun was good.

In fact, I think that both are good. And, people that say that this is a Top Gun ripoff, this was released BEFORE Top Gun! This was released in January 1986, Top Gun was released in May 1986!

From Speed (1994):
"This day was really disappointing." - Howard Payne
"What, because you didn't kill everyone in the elevator?!" - Jack Traven


Ok easy enough, Top gun is ridiculous and so is this movie. I'd give it negative stars but unfortunately that's not possible.


Well then, if you think that Top Gun is ridiculous, get a new life. Top Gun is one of the most popular movies of all time - and is proven to be one of the best, too.

If Iron Eagle was not so critically booed, it'd probably be just as popular as Top Gun. I think that it'd also be popular for inspiring Top Gun as well.


and somethin else, topgun isnt full of teenagers planning an attack on a country... and tom cruise wasnt supposed to be 16 in top gun... i just saw this movie on tv, it sucked ass. it was predictable, boring, and stupid. thats all i have to say


OH and another thing, i didnt know that MiGs were made of wood...along with various buildings such as control towers that explode when hit by bullets...


Well, movies in the 80's MEANT to be unrealistic. I guess that if this movie was made in the 2000s, we wouldn't have people complaining. Movies of the 2000s, like Spider-Man, are more realistic than back in the 1980's. Why? Because studios can afford to get SFX computers that save money, time, and make things more realistic now that those studios have been in existence longer. TriStar Pictures, Iron Eagle's distributor, released their first movie in 1984. So they were brand new at the time, and didn't have enough money to get those SFX computers OR make movies more realistic than this. As a result, a lot of their movies were pretty cheap, and people booed those movies. But they don't understand that they were actually trying. To me, it's the effort that counts. And sooner, sc_reaper, you'll also agree that it's the effort that counts. And full effort was put into this movie, so I gave it a good grade.

About the movie being boring, you've got to be joking around. This was like, 2 hours of action-packed fun! The teenagers flying the Air Force planes actually KNOW how to fly. They needed to attack that country because the corrupt government of that particular country purposely, unreasonably imprisoned Doug Masters' father, so Masters just wanted to seek revenge. Doug Masters is 18 years old in this movie, not 16. And why does age matter: even if the people in Top Gun are not 16, they're Air Force students, so what the heck!


I don't what you people are complaining about. Dougie gets guts kicked in the beginning of the second one. For a kid who invaded a country he can't last five minutes against Soviet pilots. Amazing. Does anybody agree with me? Why kill him?


Well, to be fair, for the sake of the internal consistency of the movies, there's no reason to think that a guy who can own pilots taken by suprise from third-world "gimpy-assed" countries will necessarily do just as well against front-line Soviet pilots out looking for a fight. Remember, the Soviets had to teach a lot of those third-world pilots how to fly to begin with.

As for killing him off, possible that he didn't want to be in the second movie (maybe he wanted to distance himself from the franchise, maybe he had other things going on), and they needed a good way to get him out of the story. Otherwise, IMDB would be full of threads about "OMG Why wasn't Doug in this movie?" or "Why is this other guy playing Doug in this movie instead of the guy from the first one?"


I agree with your statements. I worked on the film. We shot the film in Israel and California. The people who put this film on the screen did a pretty damn good job for what money they had. And remember the studios are the ones that hold back the extra $$$ to limit the film makers. This film was for kids and that was the intention. Every kid would love to be a hero and save someone, most of all his dad! There are those that think this movie is not worth seeing but if you ask a young boy that is full of dreams you'll find a different answer.


As a kid (i was 8 when it came out)I loved this movie, being in the Air Force now I still like this movie. I just hate it when ppl think of this as Air Force recruiting material. I know some BS like will never happen but growing up i wish i could do it.


dont mind the tool that said this movie sucks, we all like some cheesy and predictible movie. every film is not meant to blow your mind away with plot twist that are even less feasible than the stuff in this movie


I agree with you. This movie was excellent for it's targeted!!!




1. "This movie blew dog." is a line from Andrew Dice Clay NOT ebonics... Ebonics would "You be ackkin like an A**hole!"...THATS ebonics..get it right.

2. I know its a MOVIE but that doesn't mean it can't suck anyway..

3. if you REALLY want to escape reality here's a a hollowpoint bullet.. Then you can REALLY escape reality..



how can you hate this movie?!?!?! (don't anser that) Of course we can all sit here and pick this film apart but why do that? the only reaso you would watch it is for fun and you are an aviation nut. This is better then some films where I see them talk about F-15s when they are actually in F-16's and during the flying sequences they show multiple aircraft that are all supposed to be the same damn airplane. If you don't like it then that's cool, just don't watch it :)


"Of course we can all sit here and pick this film apart but why do that?"

cuz thats what movies are for...entertainment and criticism...thats what artists risk in creating art.

"If you don't like it then that's cool, just don't watch it :)"

But how would you know if you like it or not if you don't watch it?

If I only saw a bit of it and made my opinion then people would say how could you say that when you HAVEN'T seen the whole thing?

also its fun...


Have anyone seen "Battle of Britain" 1969 . The dogfighting scenes were quite impressive, although there were many repetitions :( . But for a movie filmed many years before Iron Eagle there is excellent quality. So I have no other choice but to dismiss this film from cinematography point of view. Making a film just for fun doesnt justify low quality.
I was a young one when i first saw it and i admit that i liked it then. But i tried once a few years ago to view it again and it was impossible.
The only thing that makes the film great for kids is doing something for your father...
I recommend anyone who wishes to see a miracle (almost documentary) battle movie (not planes) watch Guerreros (a.k.a. Warriors)(2002) by Daniel Calparsoro ,a spanish one. After seeing that movie you 'll reconsider Hollywood made pictures. This patricular movie sets a standard how a film should be filmed.
In addition ,I think there was too much american propaganda in there (and I'm not a Muslim).
Sorry for my English.


Well, dismissing Iron Eagle because it was not as good as the massive international production that was Battle of Britain seems kind of silly. Battle of Britain also had the benefit of an entire stable of A-list actors and featuring aircraft that had been out of military service for 20+ years rather than trying to be about the latest toys and military/political developments. Some folks just have more resources to use than others. Now, if we could find a movie with similar budget from the same time period, we might be able to make a valid comparison.





@ Stop The ESRB --> "And why does age matter: even if the people in Top Gun are not 16, they're Air Force students, so what the heck!"

So you really think that pilots who are in top gun are 'Air Force' students?? :-S
Pilots in Top Gun are the BEST fighter pilots in the NAVY, but they are trained to be even better, to be the top best!!!
So what are you thinking to compare top gun pilots with air force students?!?
The next time think a little bit more before you make a statement (that is if you know what you are talking about and obvisiouly you don't have a clue what real life Top Gun is all about... And if you still don't know what I'm talking about: Top Gun is a part of the NAVY so don't call them AIR FORCE pilots, or students, yes they are students but not in a way you mention it!!)


THANK YOU!!!!!!!


Or that oil refineries look the same as water treatment plants. lol


ESCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!


@ Stop The ESRB --> "If you say that this movie is ridiculous, SAY THAT TOP GUN IS RIDICULOUS! Doug Masters gets on the Air Force flights the exact same way that Tom Cruise and the crew do in Top Gun. The exact same people in this topic said that Top Gun was good."

Tom Cruise was not a fresh navy aviator student!! He had a long career as a fighter pilot in the US Navy, Doug Masters on the other hand had only some flying experience as a private pilot, quite a difference isn't it?! Only at the end of the movie Doug Masters is given the opportunity to start on the Air Force Academy as a student pilot, so basicly he is just a private pilot with few flying hours (but with some more flying hours on a sim) who steals a F-16 and acts like a hero...

I think Iron Eagle really sucks, I know some more things about aircraft like most people and is also something why I hate Iron Eagle, it's really to fake, a stupid story line. It's only a sixteen years old boy wet dream...


If you take note of what is actually said then you will see that his dad has been sneaking him up in flights for years so he has at least as many flying hours as an airforce student would have and then some.


oh noes!!!! Really?? ZOMG!!! CALL TEH INTERTRON POLICE! THe movie wasnt realistic!! OM NOM NOM NOM.

OH MY GOD... you must be kidding me. You obviously have NO UNDERSTADNING of the 80's. Get over yourself. YOU FAIL.

Also to the poster of "You just lost yourself an oil refinery!!!" - 100% Gold :) hahaha


and it only took you 6 days to come up with those corny-ass lines...

wigger?? you must be a wigger with that weak ass mother joke.

and seeing as how you can't have an ADULT conversation without getting racist then why don't you crawl back up your mother's crud hole and have her crap you out again because apparently she didn't get it right the first time.

(now THATS a mother joke)

and I'm happy we agree on one are a jerkwad



Its a movie message board..your're SUPPOSED to express your opinions...who voted you the thought police...

You can't even be original butt-smear (watch him bite that line). And you MUST be a fan becuz you looked up my profile (how would you know or even care how many times I reply to anything?) And if that sad mother joke line was your best spur of the moment thought then we can stop right here because you really are

so for the last your mother, this movie STILL BLOWS DOGGIE DICK!!...(was that better syntax for you?)lol





1) I'm not going to berrate anyone for their oppinion about art. Did this movie suck? That question begs for a subjective answer. Show me one movie that everyone universally agrees is good or bad... just one. You can't.

2) I do disagree with the subject that Iron Eagle sucked. I loved it.

3) The movie was completely implausible, ridiculous, and beyond the realm of believability. Here's a little phrase one learns when studying performing arts: willing suspension of disbelief. EVERY form of performing arts depends on it, whether it's a documentary by an extremely liberal filmmaker depicting the events of history or a movie about people flying around in spaceships and droning on about the Force. It is just used in differing degrees.

Iron Eagle takes a certain amount of W.S.O.D. to watch. You get past the stuff that *can't* and *wouldn't* happen and !enjoy! the narrative of what *is* happening.

BUt if someone is unable to see past certain things to be entertained, it's not for me to judge. I can't sit through "There's Something About Mary" to save my life...



"I can't sit through "There's Something About Mary" to save my life..."

Just as well you can't, the resulting nausea would probably be the death of you! The best part of that film is in the credits where Matt Dillon "cops a feel" of Cameron Diaz's less than adequate mammaries.


This film is a total piece of crap American propaganda with admittedly some viability for the under 10 demographic. Having said that, Lee-Keller is a total wanker and we would all be better served by simply ignoring him.


The major problem with the "willing suspension of disbelief" is that far too many people think it's a license to throw in whatever they want whether or not it makes sense; that leads to the "it's fantasy/sci-fi/only a movie so it doesn't have to make sense" argument. If you're asking the audience to swallow a huge improbability right up front, then the rest of the film has to evolve with rock-solid logic from that. Look at Richard Donner's "Superman". The basic premise is totally impossible, but the world he and his people built in that film makes it easy to buy into the premise.

Another factor is that greater knowledge of the subject matter makes it harder to swallow plot problems. I saw "Iron Eagle" in an on-base theater when I was in the Air Force. If I had placed you in a chair facing the audience and blocked up your ears so you couldn't hear the dialogue, you would have thought we were watching the greatest comedy Hollywood ever made. We were ROLLING in the aisles! My favorite stupid scene is how they got into the weapons storage to get the ordnance for the mission. Folks, I would have paid real money to attend the courts martial of the guards; THAT would have been a show! My brother, an ex-submariner, has a similar problem with "Crimson Tide."

So, in the end: is this a stupid movie? Absolutely. Does that make you stupid for liking it? Absolutely not.


how can anyone say that this film was not a hit, people who rate it as a grade-b topgun you can shove your ideas! this film was fantastic i mean there is no film with that much cheese in it that any (exception to best of the best!) but this was my childhood dream i saw the film first when i was about 13 on channel 5 i am now 19 and still watch it all the time( on dvd) i might go and watch it now actually!





I thought the parts with the F-16 where badass but the rest of the movie wasnt all that great. comeon now there is no way some 18year old kid can fly an F-16 like a pro.


Who cares? TG wasn't realstic either.... I enjoyed this film when I was a kid, sure now it's cheesy but it's still fun :)

"Wait!" "Worry" "Who Cares?"


I think there is a word for people like You also watch Channel 5 which makes it worse!


This film is great. I loved it ever since i was a kid. There is only one other person that posted in this thread that got it right and the answer is right IN the film. Doug Masters had MORE time in the simulators than any pilot on the base and he even goes as far as to mention that "how many guys have actually been in dogfights? four? five?" sure the film is far fetched, but doug's character was written to be believable enough that he could actually pull it off in this film. so take it easy, if you don't like it fine, but don't state your opinion when you don't know what you are talking about.


The only problem I have with the statements in this thread is with the ones that said this film had "Too much American propaganda". How's that even possible? You can never have enough American propaganda, we rule!!!





It wasn't "Citizen Kane". But it wasn't that bad.
