iron eagle 2

I know this thread is for the first movie but no one is on the Iron Eagle 2 thread!But ive alway's wondered way did Doug die in 2?Was he written off?Or deceided to not do it anymore?But in real life if you think about it he died with his music off!Like he say's when his music is off it throws off his rhytum.


he was writen off so they could do a diffrent story. ill have to look again but im pretty sure his tunes were on at the time that his fighter got shot down and he ejected something about "cobra i need help getting this guy off me thumper whats your position, give me your position... COBRAAAAAAA!!!*BOOM*

iron eagle 4 states this fact along with a bunch of other *beep* that pissed me off something about his girlfriend got married, his parents were dead and the rest of his family and friends moved away never to be found... yeah i don't buy it... chappy should have every eagle's current contact listing... to simply imply that was that the end no he didn't keep contact.... thats BS.
sure if a friend of mine i knew or thought was dead cause i went to closed casket ceremony and buried a casket... id still have reservations about the whole thing... but that friend knocking on my door one day going (name) or hey pig *beep*, cracker, slacker or any other designated fun nickname... i sure as *beep* wouldn't turn that buddy away he'd have a place to stay while i started contacting everyone i knew who'd care to know a dead son/brother/friend is alive...


If you watch Iron Eagle IV Doug ejects before the missile blows up his F-16. Then he is caught behind Soviet lines and becomes a prisoner. I will have to watch it again to see what happens, but I'm sure that his best friend Cobra, turns bad. Or does he hook up with that hot Soviet chick from Iron Eagle II.


cobra hooked up with the hot russian pilot and joins her for an international military task force in russia.. that was the end of cobra


I remember that now.
