MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > What movie am I thinking about?

What movie am I thinking about?

Okay, I thought the movie was Iron Eagle but it's not.

A while ago I was flipping channels and I came across what I thought was some sort of Air Force movie (not Top Gun), but the only thing I specifically remember was a man in uniform in a restroom, looking in the mirror. Then a pretty woman steps out of the stall behind him and gives him a look, and I think she was in uniform too. It might have been a shower room. But I could have sworn the movie had something to do with airplanes.

Anyone have ANY idea?? I have no clue why I thought it was Iron Eagle...


Starship Troopers? That Movie Had Nothing To Do With Airplanes But It Did Have A Shower Room With Both Men And Women At The Same Time...


Not Starship Troopers either. In the bathroom scene no one is wearing any


I think your refering to Iron Eagle II. The scene is when Coba is in the shower room the same time as the Russian woman.


There's a scene in Navy SEALS where Charlie Sheen is looking at himself in the mirror, kind of coked-up and Michael Biehn comes in and Sheen just says, "Man, I'm just so jacked-up right now." That's probably not the scene you're thinking of but I thought it was worth mentioning.
