any one knotice

anyone ever knotice when theres a conversation about jet fighter movies top gun and iron eagle are the 2 films that are brought up top gun discussion can go forever but iron eagle people will look at you like your nuts and say that film *beep* sucked ughhh and change the subject back to top gun yet those those same people know every little fact and detail about the flick like they've seen it and researched it a million times over???

why is this???

and if the film sucks so bad why do you know so much about it then

personally if a film sucks so bad i try too burn it out of my mind and try not to remember it!! let alone watch it!!


Well, because I HAVE seen this movie a million times.
I was addicted to it when I was younger. Movies like this are one of the reasons I leaned into an aviation career.

But then when you watch it when you're older, you see it for what it is.

So I'll say yeah, it's a cheezy movie, but I'm still going to watch it.

And on a sidenote, "." is a period. You'll find it two keys to the left of your Right Shift Key. Might want to try and employ it sometime.


I guess people who don't like this film think there renting a realistic war movie, and finf out that it's a comicbook movie about a teanager saving the world. But it's cool because there are not to many jet movies out there.

Our last message to you is, "Live as You please!"-Dessert



What the hell does "knotice" mean?

*shakes head*
