Whats it like?

This topic is for those of you who really know. I know there are real pilots and aviators on these boards so tell us: What does it feel like to "floor it" in one of these planes? How many G's of straight acceleration can it push out. Say if you're cruising around at 300-400 knots and you throw the throttle wide open (plus afterburners if you have them).


Not a pilot, but I have been in a Tomcat before, and it is NUTS. There's no way to explain it. It's like the Grand Canyon, or Niagra Falls, or the Sistine Chapel, its one of those things that when you finally get to experience it, no matter how hyped up somebody has gotten you about it, it still doesn't compare.


if you go to universal studios islands of adventure, ride the hulk roller coaster. the acceleration at the start of the ride is apparently at the same rate of an F16 at take off, (its wicked)


something there cant be right. It says it launches (the hulk coaster) from 0-40 mph in 2 seconds. which equals 20 mph per second, which equals 8.9 meters per second squared. freefall is 9.2 m/s^2. It's not even 1 stinkin' G. or is my math/high school physics off?

Yes, Rico. Kaboom


your maths must be off

becuase 1g is the basic force of gravity, that is keeping you on the ground normally.

the hulk coaster launch takes about 2 seconds and you really do feel the thrust in the form of G from memory i think its about 2.5g on the hulk coaster at the most. it does not keep that level sustained for long as it goes into a roll and a dive straight after it hits 40mph. at a sustained rate of 5g most people would start to black out. roller coasters dont give sustained rate of gforce for a long time unlike in a aerobatic aircraft for instance during a loop the pilot may sustain 3-4g's for about 10-30 seconds.

the aerosmith coaster at MGM acutally gets to 60mph in 2.8seconds which is noticeably different.

back to topic though the F-16s in the sequel iron eagle 2 are supposed to be capable of 10g. the airframes in modern day fighters are not a problem, its the pilots that hold the aircraft back so to speak. the pilots cannot take 10gs sustained so the aircraft are programmed to fly less than there actual capabilities.


your maths must be off

becuase 1g is the basic force of gravity, that is keeping you on the ground normally.

the hulk coaster launch takes about 2 seconds and you really do feel the thrust in the form of G from memory i think its about 2.5g on the hulk coaster at the most. it does not keep that level sustained for long as it goes into a roll and a dive straight after it hits 40mph. at a sustained rate of 5g most people would start to black out. roller coasters dont give sustained rate of gforce for a long time unlike in a aerobatic aircraft for instance during a loop the pilot may sustain 3-4g's for about 10-30 seconds.

the aerosmith coaster at MGM acutally gets to 60mph in 2.8seconds which is noticeably different.

back to topic though the F-16s in the sequel iron eagle 2 are supposed to be capable of 10g. the airframes in modern day fighters are not a problem, its the pilots that hold the aircraft back so to speak. the pilots cannot take 10gs sustained so the aircraft are programmed to fly less than there actual capabilities.
