guilty pleasure

I first saw this movie when i was ten years old and it was the movie that made me interested in military aviation to begin with. Yeah, i know looking back it's pretty stupid, but it seemed to make sense at the time. I still sort of like it for nostalgia value, it just brings back that feeling i had back when i watched it as a kid, when anything with fighter jets seemed exciting and cool.



Totally. I've just finished flight school and my class loves this movie. It is the ultimate in corn.


80's action cheeze movies at their best-err worst.


Chappy this one's for you!!!

I also loved this movie when I was a kid, just watched it on cable and all I can say is cornball, but what the heck, I loved it then despite the fact that the kid would have spent mant years in a federal pen for flying a multi-million dollar aircraft...
