MovieChat Forums > Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986) Discussion > 9 1/2 weeks VS 50 Shades of Grey

9 1/2 weeks VS 50 Shades of Grey

I vote 9 1/2 weeks, it was erotic, romantic, thrilling, dramatic and the best thing about it was the end.

50, if it didn't have the marriage, kids and happy ending, I would have loved it.


91/2 weeks and agree on what you said about 50 shades what ruined it Is the the other two books in the series the logical way would have been ending it the same way 91/2 weeks ended but I guess the writer wanted to be more like Stephanie Meyers instead of a mature writer who makes our leading character make the right choice.


I agree, who needs happy endings? I know that my books won't have them.


Weeks has my vote. I couldn't make it through the sheer tediousness of that 50 Shades of Diarrhea.


9 1/2 weeks without a doubt. There will never be another movie like this. The 2 leads are exceptional actors and their chemistry is steaming.


Amen!!!! The story is better then freakin 50SOG.


I liked nine and a half weeks.I wonder how many times the author of 50 shades of grey watched this movie?


Too many times that she thought that she wanted John Grey to change and be the romantic hero and Elizabeth be the sweet angel that changes him and they live happily (grunt disgustingly) ever after. Oh after some lame ass adventure.


9 1/2 weeks is based on a realy story...50 shades of grey it's only fantasy...I prefer 9 1/2 weeks, but the movie, not the book!


A real story? As in a real life story?


Yes. 9 1/2 weeks was marketed as a memoir. And it is far better than 50 Shades of Grey-a book too badly written to finish. The trailer for it looks as boring as hell.

Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan


OMG!!! I just saw the trailer! My reaction was "WHAT?! That's what all the hollow-ballow was all about?" funny thing is that I am tempted to see it just to mentally critic it.

Find out where all the similarity of this with Weeks it has.


I'm trying to put a spoiler notification in here, but I'm obviously doing it wrong, so don't read on if you haven't seen secretary the movie. 9 and a half weeks wins hands down. I also love 'Secretary', and although it has the happy ending, its done really well. It has a European feel about it.


So true.


I'm going to compare the books not the movies, since the 50 Shades movie is not out yet.
We'll compare excerpts from each story.

9 1/2 Weeks:
"The reality of my days was replaced by surface equanimity and a blandness to the core. My lunches bland, going past me unnoticed, mingling bland and friendly talk with bland and friendly people, friends, clients, colleagues, all the same. I moved through the subways, noting the fortuitous combination of light and dark blues on the ceiling posts. Above ground, cabs a pleasant yellow, once I counted nine taxis in a row down Park Avenue. A dream city without debris seen by someone drugged, or by a severely nearsighted woman bravely and foolishly at large without glasses. Crowds that automatically and amiably part to let me through. Every day a different movie, none burdened by a plot, or only toying with a plot so languid as to reveal no connections, no power to engage me beyond its agreeable surface; always only hours away from reality, taking time-out from what counted, what really went on in my life; a breathing spell from the exhilarating and inexorable plot unfolding at night.
The nights were palpable and fierce, razors, outlined so clearly as to be luminous. A different country, its landscape and currency plain: heat, fear, cold, pleasure, hunger, glut, pain, desire, overwhelming lust."

50 Shades:
"He rubs his chin with his long index finger and thumb as he contemplates my answer. Or perhaps he's just very bored and trying to hide it.
What would I recommend? I don't even know what you're doing.
“For a do-it-yourselfer?"
He nods, his eyes alive with wicked humor. I flush, and my gaze strays to his snug jeans.
“Coveralls" I reply, and I know I'm no longer screening what's coming out of my mouth.
He raises an eyebrow, amused yet again.
“You wouldn't want to ruin your clothing. I gesture vaguely in the direction of his jeans.
“I could always take them off." He smirks.
I feel the color in my cheeks rising again. I must be the color of The Communist Manifesto. Stop talking. Stop talking NOW."

Yeah. (said in Bill Lumbergh's voice)


The comparison of writing between the two books makes 50 Shades of *beep* look like a book written by a 14-year-old for his creative writing class. How it managed to become a sensation is beyond me... are women really that bored that they have to resort to an unimaginative and blandly written book? On the other hand, the excerpt from the 9 1/2 Weeks book makes me want to go order a copy now. It seems to be wonderfully worded and beautifully descriptive.


The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction series originally titled Master of the Universe and published episodically on fan-fiction websites under the pen name "Snowqueen's Icedragon".

9 1/2 Weeks is very minimal (the entire book is less than 200 pages), reading more like a diary.


I just saw 9 1/2 weeks now for the first time, and was interested in reading the book. But after that excerpt, I'll pass. I don't want to work that hard in reading something that should be enjoyable.

"The nights were palpable and fierce, razors, outlined so clearly as to be luminous. A different country, its landscape and currency plain: heat, fear, cold pleasure, hunger, glut, pain, desire, overwhelming lust."

What does that even mean? Razors what? Really, reread it. The author knew how to write a bunch of adjectives, I'll give her that, but to what avail?

I'm not saying one story is better than the other, but you are comparing a strange take on literary fiction to (I use the term loosely) commercial fiction. James' writing is dubious to say the least, but at least it's understandable. Who wants to read something over and over trying to understand what the author is trying to poetically convey. *Me shouting* Get to the point already.

This is my pov, and like anything else in the world of the arts, books are subjective. I hate literary fiction--- and I really hate literary fiction that is written at the detriment of the story-line just to make it sound more poetic, edgy.

I like songs, movies, and most of all books---to get to the point. That is one of the reasons Meyers' and James' book sold so well. Your eyes can forgive mistakes, a 1007 double holy craps, and run on sentences, as long as the story is moving forward. When you have to look up words, and question if the comma's are placed correctly in a sentence (razors), then you stop reading the intent of the sentence, and hence the story.

I will say the sexiest part of 9 1/2 weeks was when John first meets Elizabeth. So much is conveyed in his expression. HOT. HOT. HOT.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Who wants to read something over and over trying to understand what the author is trying to poetically convey

Two words:

Got ya! No, seriously, see next:


Happy birthday to the ground!!!


They are to one another as Robert DeNiro is to Dicaprio. No offense to the later as he is alright here and there (Shutter Island, The Beach) but still...

So I rephrase, FSOG is like ---insert highly offensive word here (like the S word?).

I came here to make a similar post, glad I wasn't the only one to think WTF, from 91/2 to FSOG ...way to go humanity!

Happy birthday to the ground!!!


You are funny. I like you. A lot.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Happy birthday to the ground!!!


Weeks by far. A good margin. The other piece of crap shouldn't appear in the same sentence.
The thing is Weeks lost money at the box office it appears and TOPC didn't.
30 years after its release it is still an incredibly beautiful film to look at; all those greys, glass, silver, black and punches of red.
The food scene: look at the glow through the red jello. Amazing.

I intend to live forever. So far so good.


I know what you mean.


9 1/2 for sure. 50 Shades is just a joke on every level.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


We both know that but unfortunately these books has fans that want mushiness with BDSM but isn't the real BDSM cause it isn't the raw stuff I wanted.


50 Shades is more like a Beauty and the Beast scenario, the beauty taming/changing the savage man. Of course the beauty is average at best and the beast is rather tame already, more like a spoiled brat.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


I figured that much but for me it wasn't what I wanted to see in a modern-day BDSM movie. I mostly wished they made the Story of O into a movie or they made it into just a movie about a young woman trying out BDSM for the first time till she couldn't handle it any longer. In the books she didn't even go so far as to being whipped or doing any of the stuff in that contract. She really was more like teasing my interested, that frustrates me.
