MovieChat Forums > Platoon (1987) Discussion > Which character did you hate the most?

Which character did you hate the most?

For me that would be O,Neill. A douchebag and a coward...not a great mix.

Others I didn't like were Junior and Wolfe....although they at least cop it at the end. Barnes was a bastard, but he was a tough bastard and a fairly strong leader so I didn't completely hate him.

Add your choices if you wish



I'll go with junior.


Dislike of Wolfe? I thought Wolfe was pretty likable, but completely out of his element as a 23 year old LT fresh out of OCS or Westpoint thrown on the front lines with battle-hardened and poorly educated grunts. He tried to form a bond and boost morale with the troops, awkwardly of course, when he went inside the hooch while they were playing cards. Barnes didn't respect and intimidated him. Rightfully so! He had not yet done his time or proven himse4lf and incompetent to be in a platoon. He should have stuck to being in the rear as a supply or logistics officer.


I second that...Junior. Served with a few cats like him when I was in the service. Quick to shirk their duties and then blame their screw ups on someone else.




Definitely Bunny.


Junior was an arse hole.
Lt Wolfe


I kind of admire O'Neil's ability to survive. It was a war where we put our youth over there to fight for nothing, especially when we would tell them to "take the hill" only to abandon it to the enemy a few months later. Sure, O'Neil was a kiss arse and tried to flee the final battle but isn't living better than dying in the muck for nothing?

I didn't really hate any of the characters except the rapists. I couldn't even hate Bunny because we all know psychopath's aren't really in control of their brains, especially when it comes to empathy.

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To be much of a coward and ass-kisser O'Neil was, the scene that really made me hate him was when he made Chris, King and thet other guy do toilet duty. That one scene alone truly showed what a smug a s s hole he was ("You guys come over here...I got a little job for ya").

Funny thing is while Bunny was a sick psycho, I have always found kevin dillon to be such a likable actor...that at no time did I ever hate the character. Dont know what that says about me.


I don't think Wolfe was hate-worthy. He was young, inexperienced, and in completely over his head. To throw a guy like that in with someone like Barnes and expect him to take charge is not realistic. For me, I would say of the major characters, O'Neill was probably my most hated, followed by Junior, because they were both cowards. Bunny was nuts and Bunny was a murderer, but he certainly had balls (and the fact that he actually was in all likelihood truly mentally imbalanced causes me to cut him a wee bit of slack). I think Barnes was also touched in the head, probably by his combat experiences, so he's not as high on the list either. So while I hated both Bunny and Barnes, neither to me was as bad as O'Neill and Junior. And Wolfe doesn't even rate; if anything, I felt sorry for him.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


I hated Junior, he literally ran away from his fellow comrade (Bunny) and basically got him killed and then he ran into a tree and got the bayonet. Can't really blame O'Neil for hiding in the last battle, he was surrounded by the enemy and would have been killed if he hadn't.

You brought a meth lab to the airport!?



I also hated every soldier on "Team Elias" that let Chris go head to head against Barnes alone. When Barnes brought a blade into it, he should have gotten a butt stroke to the head with an M-16.

In the immortal words of Bunny, "Did you see that head come apart?"

Bye, bye, Barnes.

Internet courage is such a yawn.


Not a fan of Barnes, but I did admire his no nonsense leadership style.

That quarrel in the hooch between Taylor and Barnes was a soldiers fight, one-on-one, happens all the time on deployment and occasionally in garrison. Sure, "Team Elias" could've jumped Barnes but then what? Kill him in base camp and risk getting court-martialed. Jump him, beat his ass and risk getting an assaulting an NCO charge and hope Barnes doesn't get his team to do some payback. I think 'Team Elias' handled that well.


I didn't find Wolfe hate worthy. He was just not cut out for that line of work.


Barnes for shooting the woman and Bunny for smashing the guy's head.


Junior. He was whiny. He shirked his duties and blamed others. He blamed white man for his problems. He complained about village atrocities yet he joined in(he was one of the rape team). He chickened out and abandoned his teammate in the foxhole.

Barnes was monstrous but he was an ends-justifies-the-means. Bunny was a sadistic psychopath but Kevin Dillon made him likable(when he wasn't committing atrocities). Oneill was a swaggering coward but he was funny. Sgt Warren(aka Candyman) was pretty much a nonentity, just like the other teammates who didn't side with Elias.

I liked all the guys who sided with Elias. Elias was my number one favorite person.


I look at it like this, who did I hate enough that I wanted them to die? Junior was a jerk but when he got killed I felt bad for him and I hated the enemy for killing him. I even felt bad for the Lt. when he got blinded then killed.

However, I did not feel bad when Barnes got killed. So, I hated Barnes the most.
Shall we play a game?


Bunny, sometimes Junior.


Junior, then Bunny (who I thought at least had some guts). O'Neill was repulsive but was to some extent a source of comic relief.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."
