Funny scenes

Does anyone else crack up during certain scenes? My brother and I always quote platoon & laugh. Especially the scenes with Junior he was hilarious.

Next time I catch you sprayin skeeter repellant on your feet....

C*&@sucker fell asleep!!

Such a masterpiece....


Francis: "It ain't 'D-E-R-E', it's 'D-E-A-R', and 'Sarah' ain't got no two 'R's, King. Damn, you dumb!"
King: "It don't make no difference, she know what I mean. She don't read too good nohow!"

Crawford: "Man, that O'Neill's got his nose so far up top's ass he's gotta be Pinocchio".

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


That 'D-E-R-E' scene was funny.

The scene that made me laugh was the dialogue spoken between Junior and Bunny in the hooch when Junior says something to the effect of "the only way you get some pu$$y is if the b!tch dies and wills it to you, then, only maybe".


Yeah, that was a great scene. And in the same scene when the Merle Haggard song is playing and Junior mocks it as "redneck noise" - "all them chumps be talking bout how they losin they ho, and ain't got no bread for beer."

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


I remember that country music part, pretty much all scenes with Bunny and Junior had funny moments.


I couldn't stand Junior or bring myself to like him in any way, shape, or form. He was a racist, hateful, coward a$$hole


I didn't like Junior either, but it was a great performance by Reggie Johnson. How hated the character was is a testament to the portrayal.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


I though it was brilliant to pair Jr. and Bunny. Opposite ends of racism and hatred. They are opposites, yet the same.

Remember,YOU TOO are entitled to MY opinion!


o'neal was pretty funny


When King says that he found the beers.


Red bragging about the O'Neal death grip.
Junior and Bunny chewing the fat.
King stealing the beers from top supply
King writing his D-E-R-E to Jane Doe
The cool guys smoking dope in their hooch
Oliver Stone getting sapped
Taylor celebrating his first kill by taunting the VC "Ho Chi Minh sucks dead dicks!"

Shall we play a game?


at the end battle when wolfe gets on the phone.. "captain, we've been over-run... we're falling back!"... and harris goes "god dammit leiutanant! where you gonna fall back TO?!"
