MovieChat Forums > Platoon (1987) Discussion > barnes dis NOT kill elias so chris was w...

barnes dis NOT kill elias so chris was wrong

i LOVE this movie but the key scene in the whole thing is barnes shooting elias

ok he shot him but if he was brought to a medic would he have not been saved?

he was seen later RUNNING in the middle of intensive gunfire while the other guys were en route in helicoptor

how was he able to run if barnes had killed him??


He almost certainly would not have been caught out there by the VC had Barnes not wounded him. So while from a wholly technical standpoint, no, Barnes didn't actually kill Elias, he was nonetheless about 90% responsible for his death.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


He was 100% responsible. Had he not shot him, they both would have made it out alive.

Trophy Case Mr_French_Predator


I said 90% because you can't say with 100% certainty that Elias wouldn't have been killed by the VC before making it back to camp even without Barnes' "help". Yes, it's unlikely given his skill and experience, but not impossible. Either way, yes, under the circumstances you have to hold Barnes accountable for Elias's death.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


>>> He was 100% responsible. Had he not shot him, they both would have made it out alive.

Exactly. The answer seems so obvious to me that I'm surprised at the question.

If a private venture fails it's closed down. If a government venture fails it's expanded. M Friedman


So someone comes along shoots you in both kneecaps and leaves you in the desert to die, content in the knowledge they didn't kill you, the desert did.

That's your logic?


He caused Elias to die. Elias could have gotten away with them but he got shot and had to stay behind because he was injured.


His words "killed him" were emotional. Barnes told Chris that Elias was dead "back there about 100 meters" and then abruptly said "He's DEAD! Get moving!". Afterwards when Chris saw Elias running from the NVA/VC, he knew he wasn't dead and, therefore, Barnes was not only lying but also, judging by his body language and facial expressions, he may've had something to do with Elias being left behind, using "he's dead" as a cover up. He intended to kill him and leave him for dead wihtout anyone knowing about it by shooting him, but that sort of backfired on him once Chris saw him in the scene that made the coverbox.


I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but that's like saying Barnes didn't shoot him; Elias got in the way of the bullets.
