Val Kilmer

Was that Val Kilmer carrying the girl after the rape scene after the village killing?


My bad DUH it was Johnny Depp--I thought he was too young for it to be him. Lesson to learn, do not post while drinking.


Bahahahha!! That was funny man. Don't sweat it, happens.

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


Hello, not very sure about how to use this site and PM you. Question, do you sometimes rate movies at extremes to try to up their ratings like I do? I only ask because "The Devil's Rejects" getting a 10 is way higher than I rated it at 8.

Breaking my own advice of not posting while drinking, but apparently this is when I have free time.


No I almost never rate movies here. People will watch and like what they want to watch and like. I find my movies, the ones that I love by watching them and not by consulting reviews on IMDb. I just come here for the conversation. I think I did actually rate Devil's Rejects a 10 though. But that was because of how I felt/feel every time I watch it. Be we can discuss that in Private if you want. Which brings us to your second question...

If you click on my name and then look at the right hand side of the screen, you'll see something that says "send a message"

That's how you have a private conversation. I just learned that myself. Oh and I've been drinking too. Give me a shout man, lets talk movies! (P.S. I don't live in my grandma's basement or anything. I like IMDb when I'm bored. That's all.

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


In your defense, he kind of almost resembles a young Val Kilmer in this.

Also, always post while drinking 



Okay I gotta know, what are you two drinking that makes Johnny Depp look like Val Kilmer? I want to try some of whatever it is. Unless it's crack.

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


Laphroaig and pot.



>>> Okay I gotta know, what are you two drinking that makes Johnny Depp look like Val Kilmer

They in fact are quite similar. (At least when both were young.)

Evacuation Com
