MovieChat Forums > Platoon (1987) Discussion > What was Taylor's wound?

What was Taylor's wound?

At the end of the movie, he was on med evac chopper. So what was his combat wound to be flown out of combat? Shell shock?


Didn't he get grazed in the neck by a bullet?


No, they mean at the end. It was a wound to his leg. Remember when he first wakes up in the jungle after that last big fight? When he first gets up he is holding his leg. He falls when he first tries to walk.

Oliver Stone's two injuries that he received were: A neck graze wound that he received just days after he arrived. He spent a couple of days at a real hospital, and then a few days resting up at base camp, and then was returned to active duty. And he later received a shot to his knee (!Ouch!), which is what got him sent home for good. Back in NYC, he spent time in a VA hospital, he underwent extensive physical therapy and two operations, and walked on a cane for several years. He also developed an addiction to pain killers during this time, withdrew from family (he had a very wealthy family), and later drove a taxi cab for a while in NYC. Finally, he cleaned up, enrolled in NYU Film School, and studied there. Martin Scorsese was one of his instructors. In an early short film that Stone made, "Last Year in Vietnam", Stone appears in the film, and he is still seen walking with the cane. He doesn't use the cane anymore, but apparently still has issues with that leg to this day. That will probably get worse as he's getting older.

Anyway, Sheen is Stone's alter ego in the film, and I assume it's that knee injury at the end.

Hope this was helpful.




I thought it was when Barnes hit him in the nards with the entrenching tool - The following morning after the air strike, notice he's holding his nards, takes 3 hops and falls -


Or maybe his burned skin.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Multiple injuries suffered in combat to include: Bullet wound in the knee, flash burn from napalm attack, and blunt force trauma to the testes.

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