MovieChat Forums > Platoon (1987) Discussion > Why did we lose in Vietnam, and what cou...

Why did we lose in Vietnam, and what could we do different

I was just wondering peoples opinions before I stated mine.

Haters gonna hate but trolls are pathetic


What we? You Americans didnt really lose the war, it had other purposes than installing different government in Vietnam.


I am just used to saying we, assuming EVERYONE on here is American for some reason. Anyways the reason we lost is because we failed at our number 1 objective, to keep S. Vietnam free and prevent communism from spreading. The American soldiers for sure didnt loose the war. We, the USA, won every battle of the war but had to many restraints for our soldiers. They were put in a no win situation.

What other reasons you referring too? Thanks for responding

Haters gonna hate but trolls are pathetic


China. Opening relations with China and separating China and Soviet Union.

No one really cares about little communism here and there, its the big picture that matters. Communist Vietnam isnt even a friend of communist China they have had couple of wars.


We thought the vietnamese were puppets of China and fought the war in such a matter to not provoke them like we, usa, did in Korea. We didnt know anything about the Vietnamese or their history. We didnt realize it was a national liberation movement way more than communism. We didnt realize they viewed us as invaders and didnt know they had fought off invasions for centuries. But communism did spread to Cambodia and Laos. And today communism has become obsolete.

Haters gonna hate but trolls are pathetic


I am pretty sure they realized all those things, they are not idiots in government. Communism is not that important, thats just something they keep on telling people. Wars are about international relations not about political ideologies.


I am not saying you are wrong about anything. There are numerous reasons that cause war.

Watch the documentary Fog of War. Its a documentary about the architect of the vietnam war, Robert McNamara. He states everything I said about not knowing the Vietnamese and such

But your exactly right about the main reason wars are fought for sure

Haters gonna hate but trolls are pathetic


Communism still exists. Look at China and Cuba.

C.C. Loves B.G.


So does fascism, look at the modern iteration of the Republican party.

Eat the Neocons.


I also believe that it was the restraints we had that caused us (im in CA, west coast of USA) to lose. When we are fighting an enemy and we can't bomb certain targets because there is a chance a Russian is there helping or that caravan has 1 Russian driver somewhere so the whole thing is off limits, we are going to lose. Another restraint or issue is that how can we win if our marines are chasing an enemy who goes into Laos or Cambodia where we can't shoot them because of one dumb reason or another. I don't believe the protest ended the war but I do think that those helped bring it to a close earlier than it would have been. Whether we won or lost isn't important; what is important is, was the cost of human lives fighting in Vietnam worth it in the end; are we better off now than we were before the war. Saying we won or lost is just for score keepers.


Very true. It seems the restraints were off the chart ridiculous. You are right about the winning and losing part, I just like talking about the war and it was the subject I came up with at the time. It would seem to me, and I was not there, that the lives lost there is horrible and should not have happened. What I mean by that is that they fought, with one hand tied behind their backs, for an end goal that was pretty much impossible with the strategy and objectives we were going for.

Haters gonna hate




Vietnam was never a war that could be one militarily. The corruption of the South Vietnamese government and general lack of support/trust amongst the population made its fall inevitable.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but if Truman would have supported Vietnamese independence after WWII (or even just remained neutral), the war could have been avoided entirely. Funding a brutal French regime, followed by a corrupt S. Vietnamese government, all in the name of fighting Communism, just lead to the Soviets making inroads. Funding French imperialism in the name of freedom was simply terrible policy.

By the time LBJ escalated the war, things were already doomed.


The best analysis I have seen, but let me add this:

When in 1975, American negotiators said to the North Vietnamese counterparts, "You never beat us in combat," the North Vietnamese responded with something like, "That is irrelevant. You could never have won."

If we had stayed there forever, we would not have made a dent on the desire of those people to have their own country.

So why were we (why was I) there? Good question. Plenty of books on the subject. Some are good. And some are crap.


The corruption of the South Vietnamese government and general lack of support/trust amongst the population made its fall inevitable.

Seeing as the RVN fell due to an invasion by a large, modern, mechanized army supported by two superpowers at a time when its superpower support had been cut-off, that claim's going to be hard to substantiate.

the war could have been avoided entirely.

You mean let Vietnam become a pro-Soviet, Communist dictatorship in 1945 without a fight?

just lead to the Soviets making inroads.

Given that Ho Chi Minh was a founding member of the French Communist party and a COMINTERN agent and that the leadership of the Viet Minh were also committed Communists, I think that was a forgone conclusion

By the time LBJ escalated the war, things were already doomed.

In fact, the domestic insurgency was controllable and indeed was controlled despite the floundering of LBJ and McNamara. Tet destroyed the VC's ability to conduct military operations. After that, the NVA and Northerners posted to VC units continued the fighting. What they lost was the willingness of the American people to continue the war and that was in large part due to misleading Americans about the progress of the war and failing to interdict Northern support to the Southern insurgents.


Let's just say the Vietnamese would never give in and would have continued to resist, very much like what the Palestinians are doing to Israel and the Iraqis and Afghans are doing to the coalition forces now. Of course having Soviet Union and China pouring in state-of-the-art weapons to counter that of USA and NATO was a bonus.


Let's just say the Vietnamese would never give in and would have continued to resist,

Not as long as the penalty for Northerners questioning their government's war against the South was several years in a tropical gulag. Shaping public opinion is easy when you're the only one's allowed any say at all. Southerners, the ones for whom the Communists claimed to be fighting, were a lot less interested in continuing to fight their own government.

the Iraqis and Afghans are doing to the coalition forces now.

The coalition forces are virtually gone from Iraq. Few Western soldiers have been killed there in the last few years. Indeed, there has been just one Coalition fatality so far this year.

Of course having Soviet Union and China pouring in state-of-the-art weapons to counter that of USA and NATO was a bonus.

NATO never sent aid to the RVN. For that matter, the US stopped supplying the RVN before the North finally successfully invaded - which is the major reason why the South fell.


In regards to Afghanistan in the current campaign, there are still reportedly over 100K coalition soldiers in the theatre, 70K of them US. The full drawdown of forces is scheduled to happen in 2014. While fighting has dropped considerably, the troop presence still puts a strain in ties between the Muslim world and the West. Let's not forget US presence now in Libya although it is to secure embassy grounds. There is always a chance of things getting out of control.


That's nice, but not very relevant is it?


The USA will NEVER be seen as WINNING another WAR.

The bias by the USA media is too strong.

No matter what the outcome, the media will focus on the negative stories.

The BIG QUESTION is whether or not that is a good thing?????

I am ambivalent about the media, it does some good and some bad.


Sig Line:

Many Cynics And Skeptics Mistake Their Hubris Negativity For Intelligence.


Maybe its karma that they don't.
If they waged war for the reasons, instead of for profit and for being Isreals lapdogs. They would win a just one.....

Eat the Neocons.


What difference does it make? The US had no right to be in Vietnam in the first place, dictating that country's future and killing millions of its people in the process. The real question in any war is "SHOULD this or that side win". In the case of Vietnam, the US should NOT have won, it's good that it lost, and "what the US could have done differently" doesn't matter because it ultimately turned out the way it was supposed to.

Sig under construction


The Vietnam war started at the height of the cold war. It turned into a proxy war. America was backing up a corrupt government in South Vietnam. Every communist country backed and helped North Vietnam in some way.

There was no way America could win in Vietnam. Just like there was no way that the U.S.S.R. could win the war in Afghanistan. The Soviet/Afghanistan was turned into a proxy war. America returned the favor to the Soviet Union and armed and gave the Afghans anything that they needed.

Proxy wars are some of the worst wars that can be fought. Because there's one (or sometimes two sides) side that doesn't ever fight.

The Spanish Civil War is one of the best examples of a proxy war. It lasted two years and was right before the start of World War 2. Nazi Germany helped and armed one side. And the Soviet Union helped and armed the other side. This is the reason why Spain was neutral during World War 2.


I feel that IF the US had left Diem in power & allowed him to act in the manner of most third world scum leaders-and had taken some sort of 'aggressive official ground action' against the NVA's supply lines in Laos, the US might have gotten a stalemate like in Korea.


It does not really make a difference, its just a subject that I am interested in. You did not have to click on it. OBVIOUSLY no matter what discussion we have on what could have been done differently, it wont change the outcome. That goes without saying man. That does not mean there should not be any discussion about it. Its one of the top 5 major events in the 20th century without question and maybe the most controversial event of that century so it warrants discussion.

Haters gonna hate


Best thing we could have done is taken up Ho Chi Mihn (since he asked us for help years prior) and helped kick the French out of Vietnam.


You mean let a pro-Soviet Stalinist Communist regime take power in 1945 instead of three decades later while seriously harming relations wiht a key European ally? I'm not sure that would have been much of an improvement.


What we could do differently is to not involve ourselves in another country's post-colonial civil war.

We had no business being in Vietnam, and we knew very little about the Vietnamese and their history.

History has shown that Vietnam has experienced a slew of foreign occupations. For centuries they were oppressed by Imperial Chinese dynasties and were treated as little more than a vassal state. Then the Mongols attacked, and they were one of the few Asian nations other than Japan who successfully resisted their attempts at invasion. Then came the French colonial period, and after that, the Japanese colonial period. After the Japanese left, the French tried to regain control of Vietnam. And then the Americans invaded.

The Vietnamese made their statement loud and clear: "Don't invade us"


The people of Vietnam are just like the people of Afghanistan. Both countries have been invaded many times. But the people of both countries will never surrender to a foreign army.

Hell the people of Afghanistan learned early to fight foreign armies. The once found Alexander the Great.


But the Afghans also consider the 'guy from the village down the mountain' to be a foreigner as's just the nature of a mountainous fractured country-sort of like the Balkans...


Vietnam was the first and last televised war, and international press had free range, showing bodies etc.. How stupid, so all the people back home could get freaked out, and protest.

The easiest wars to win are on islands.. Iwo Jima (or peninsulas like Korea) when you have a country with boarders, the enemy can run through them, you have to do a total invasion mop up, like the allies did in Germany.. And we never invaded the north.

Also the south Vietnamese never really took it serious until the end, they should have had a taste of reality early on, but it's understandable, because they were catholic in the south (some) and corrupt, black market etc.. where the northerners were higher nationally patriotic Buddhists... could you imagine a NVA dealing his sides communist goods on the black market! Ha!


could you imagine a NVA dealing his sides communist goods on the black market! Ha!

No, because:

a ) They didn't have that much to sell; and

b ) The Communist secret police would have caught them then had them tortured and shot.

Do note that after the war was over, the Northern Communists turned out to be every bit as corruptible as the Southerners.


I don't believe you understood my comment, I was stating a NVA could never betray his comrades for a self profit during war time, so there's no need to retort in a)b) standards.
But..... a) they did have "much" to sell. Communist Russia and China were supplying huge amounts of weapons, artillery, trucks, tanks, and MIG jet fighter planes!
And every amount of material was utilized in the south. Most westerners are transfixed on the myth of the simple VC guerrilla fighter with one rusty AK. But at the same time it was a huge convention war.

Most NVA had tattooed on their arms "Born in the north; to die in the south" They meant business.

After the war, they didn't progress like they should have and locked up most of the south for treason charges, but never was their any corruption against the communist govt. like the ARVN was doing blatantly.


they did have "much" to sell.

There was little marketable material in the hands of Northern troops in the South, and no one to sell it to in the North.

I also see you didn't bother to address the issue of the North's pervasive secret police.

They meant business.

So did the propaganda aparatchiks, the police, the executioners, and the prison camps.

After the war, they didn't progress like they should have and locked up most of the south for treason charges, but never was their any corruption against the communist govt.

Vietnam has consistently rated as one of the most corrupt countries in the world since the seventies.


Hmmm I think you're missing the mark of the this thread and my comments, or you need a review on social communication.

I gave a hypothetical sarcastic statement about, could anybody imagine a NVA committing acts of treason.

And you thought I was supporting that idea, and are now arguing with me, when we both actually agree! But you have some points here I need to clarify.

There was "a lot" of marketable material in the south. You've heard of the underground tunnels? some of which extended 120 miles in length, the NLF had huge amounts of rice, weapons, medical, and don't forget tons of stolen US goods that would be very profitable.

..Aaaand of course they would have nobody to sell it to in the North, because it's a highly nationalistic Buddhist society! This is where you're confused about my sarcasm.
But the NLF could always defect in numbers and profit with the corrupt ARVN, but they didn't.

Ok I will address the North's "secret police" and "prison camps" ..Sure they had strict authorities, but I never said they didn't! you just didn't get my sarcasm.

Ok, you say they've been corrupt since the seventies? ...They've been dumb in expanding the economy! Because they don't want to invest their budget back into the country, but this doesn't mean their corrupt, they just don't help the people when they should.
But the people still don't turn tail, and steal from the govt. the way the ARVN did. I hope this clarifies my original points on how the VN war was lost.

How old are you? and which country are you from?


There was "a lot" of marketable material in the south.

Have it your way. The Communists were such Paladins that it never occurred to them to sell off their supplies - the rather basic ones they needed just to stay alive. Not to mention that they weren't at all concerned that the penalty for such sales was death.

That, by the way, was actual sarcasm.

and of course they would have nobody to sell it to in the North, because it's a highly nationalistic Buddhist society!

Is this more sarcasm? They were a Communist police state with acute shortages and , as I've noted highly vigilant and ruthless security services. No one in the North had the money to buy stolen goods anyway as the Party made sure there wasn't any.

but this doesn't mean their corrupt

No. The fact they take bribes means they're corrupt.

How old are you? and which country are you from?

Why do you want to know?


Oh boy this is getting ridiculous! All from your initial confusion about my first comment.

Listen, I made reference to the fact the ARVN and USA lost the war was due to fact of the vast differences in corruption and religion in the South and North, after the French lost; the Geneva Convention split the country in two, something the North nationalists could never accept, if the South were truly Buddhist Nations, and not corrupt Catholics they wouldn't have been a civil war and they would have reunited.

Taking bribes is very different than treason, that bribe money is still going to the communist party rather than coming out of their pocket, which we BOTH would agree would mean death or prison.

I'm 30yrs old, Caucasian from Canada, you just seem VERY different, and a lil' odd from most history buffs I have conversations with.


if the South were truly Buddhist Nations, and not corrupt Catholics

First off, your remark about Catholics being corrupt is religious bigotry.

Second, The South, while it had a few more Catholics than the North, was overwhelmingly Buddhist - about eighty percent Buddhist, in fact, with the other twenty percent split between the Catholics and other faiths. The North claimed to be almost entirely Atheist and persecuted those who openly practiced Buddhism - or any faith for that matter.

the North nationalists could never accept

More important, it wasn't something the Vietnamese Communists who had taken power in the North could accept. They would not accept any government which they did not control completely. It was because people in the part of the country not controlled by the Communists knew this, as did the United States, that the South refused to join the North. Note that having taken power in the North, the Communists did nothing to indicate they were willing to share power with anyone else. Indeed, one of the first things they did was to round up political opponents and murder them.

that bribe money is still going to the communist party

No more than RVN officials who took bribes and diverted government property were doing so for the RVN government. When governments want money, they just levy taxes. Bribes by definition are not the same thing.


The Diem regime was Catholic and had JFK's initial support, the other peasant Buddhists in the South aren't part of that political situation.
It's funny the way you're trying so hard to disect my statements when we actually agree at heart if you'd get what I'm trying to get across.

Yes the RVN govt took bribes and diverted material, the North never did that. And those ARVN officers taking bribes would pocket the money! Communism every goes back into the govt. You first brought up bribes, I don't think it relates to our corruption topic.

I've noticed you're a professional political malcontent here on IMDB, and also don't want to disclose you're age, ethnicity, or location, so until then best of luck online!


The Diem regime was Catholic

The Diem regime only lasted until 1963, was not entirely Catholics, and Diem and his immediate clique were not the only power centre in the South.

the other peasant Buddhists in the South

In fact, Buddhists were the majority amongst the Southern middle and upper classes, and many peasants were Catholic.

Communism every goes back into the govt.

That certainly isn't the case in practice.

I've noticed you're a professional political malcontent here on IMDB

I am? Then where's my check?

and also don't want to disclose you're age, ethnicity, or location

Sorry I don't wan to cooperate in your attempt to turn this into an ad hominem argument. If you can give me an actual reason why that information is relevant to this discussion, I;d be glads to give it, as I have elsewhere.


Diem regime were responsible mainly for appealing to get the US's help. At least on paper, the US mainly wanted to get their economy moving through war effort again, and partly why JFK was killed, because he did plan to pull out.

Ohh so now many peasants WERE Catholic, you've contradicted yourself.

I think you have Communism confused with Capitalism, there is NO autonomy in Communism.

Just take a gander at all you thread history, yikes! IMDB is a site for movie fans not political debates.

Upbringing and maturity have a lot to do with debating. That's why.


At least on paper, the US mainly wanted to get their economy moving through war effort again,

And that's tell us more about your politics than American foreign policy in the 1950's and 1960's. American opposition to Soviet aligned aggression had nothing to do with wanting war. As for the economy, they didn't need to "get it moving" as it was doing quite well during his time. GDP was growing quite steadily before major US involvement in Vietnam.

and partly why JFK was killed,

JFK was killed because a Communist loser and failed defector had the idea that killing the President of the United States would somehow be a good idea.

because he did plan to pull out.

Something for which there is no evidence. On the other hand, he did escalate the American presence in Vietnam and would likely have escalated more.

Ohh so now many peasants WERE Catholic, you've contradicted yourself.


there is NO autonomy in Communism.

Yet somehow Communist officials just about everywhere take bribes which they do not forward to their government.


Oh boy... Ok so Oswald was only responsible for killing JFK?

There's lot's of evidence he was going to pull out and only aid the RVN govt.

A few comments back you said there was barely any Catholics in the South; %20!

What about all the secret police, execution squads, and prisons you were referring too to stop the Communist officials from taking bribes?

Do you think 9/11 was an inside job?


Oh boy... Ok so Oswald was only responsible for killing JFK?

I think you meant to say that only Oswald was responsible for JKF's murder. The answer to that is yes.

There's lot's of evidence he was going to pull out and only aid the RVN govt.

No, there isn't. There is lots of much later speculation by Kennedy partisans who who did not want him associated with the disaster the war became or who themselves were opposed to the war. In fact, there isn't much evidence as to exactly what he was planning beyond the fact that he had already escalated US involvement including approving to coup against Diem.

A few comments back you said there was barely any Catholics in the South; %20!

Yes, I said about 20% of Southerners were Catholic and that many peasants were Catholic. That's not contradictory unless you think "many" means more than twenty percent or some other arbitrary number.

What about all the secret police,

Once they took the South, they not only lost focus, but found a lot more to be bribed with.

Do you think 9/11 was an inside job?

No. Do you? I wouldn't be surprised. You apparently alreay believe one bit of idiocy, so believing more wouldn't be unusual.


Well my friend I'm glad you are intelligent enough to know that 9/11 was NOT an inside job, I was testing you a bit there.

But until to tell me your age, and nationality I'm not going to respond anymore, we are basically on the same page, but are dissecting each other on simple irrelevant things, when we essentially agree, and since you have more internet "troll" (as the kids say) experience, I'm out of my league.

If you are a huge military buff, you need to adopt a different more social positive attitude to get along with people, especially if you were in a barracks. Copying and pasting peoples comments, and dissecting them, will only lead to negativity and isolation.


"We did not lose Vietnam! It was a tie!"---A Fish Called Wanda


Ohh wasn't Jamie Lee fkn hot in that movie!


Stop saying "we". You weren't there.


The goals we were trying to achieve were so unrealistic.


Invasion of North Vietnam. Cut the head off the snake.
