
In the final battle scene:

1. Chris finds Barnes beating someone
2. Chris yells: Barnes! Barnes!
3. Barnes turns and gets on top of Chris
4. Barnes is about to kill Chris
5. The airplane drops some substance which causes the entire area to flame
6. The scene is over

My question: why was Chris yelling Barnes! Barnes! ?

If a private venture fails it's closed down. If a government venture fails it's expanded. M Friedman


Earlier in the battle Rhah comes to Chris and Francis's foxhole and tells them to stay in their hole because an airstrike is coming with snake and nape. Shortly thereafter Chris realizes the enemy is going to rocket their hole so he drags Francis out and after their foxhole is hit he sees the enemy run up to it to execute any possible survivors. This is the final straw for Chris and it sends him over the edge and he becomes a one man Army rampaging across enemy lines to kill kill kill. At the same time Barnes is doing the same thing, slaughtering anything that comes near him even after being shot several times in the leg.

Eventually Chris gets near Barnes and at the same time he hears the jet engines up above. Being the loyal soldier Chris tries to save Barnes by yelling out to him but Barne's blood-lust knows no bounds so he tackles Chris with the intent of killing him with his E-tool. Fortunately for Chris the bombs drop just in time to save him and when he wakes up in the morning he's grabs an enemy AK-47 and quickly tracks down Barnes. Chris is a little conflicted on whether he should kill Barnes but Barnes fulfills Rhah's prophecy("the only thing that can kill Barnes, is BARNES!")and urges Chris to kill him. Chris is now a man, permanently scarred by war.

Shall we play a game?


Thank you.

If a private venture fails it's closed down. If a government venture fails it's expanded. M Friedman
