favorite lines

Tony: I also play guitar by the way.

Layne: He had his reasons. She was shooting her mouth off about his Mom.
Clarissa: His mom's dead.
Layne: Yeah...see?

Layne: Now, I happened to like Jamie. But John is still alive. Don't you see that?
Clarissa: And who's next on his list?

John: You do sh*t. And it's done. And then you die.

Feck: They're still after me you know.
Layne: Yeah, yeah. OK, well, hey, thanks for the weed!

Feck: There's my leg. I wonder if there's any beer left in that can.



matt: all you do is come here to *beep* my mother and eat her food, *beep* FOODEATER

I always did love this movie



Layne (talking to John in VW bug driving after stopping by liquor store): "You think I'd at least rate a Michelob. Agghh, and its warmmm tooooo."


matt's little brother-its coz of my f#@%ked up childhood(and he's only about 10yrs old) and when they're in class and the teacher says sampson(john) killed his girlfriend and no one cares then 1 of the guys in the class says are gonna be tested on this *beep* lol

eat well stay fit die anyway


The line is:

"It's warm even!"

I was hooked on this film twenty years ago. My friends and I would watch it over and over and over again and quote lines. That was one of them.

I recently watched this film again and couldn't believe how bad it was. I must've been too wasted back then to realize it. Still, I enjoyed it if only for the nostalgia of Keanu Reeve's bad acting and Dennis Hopper's all too familiar ability to play a crazy and dangerous freak.

-We are all of us in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars


"by - steele_00 (Fri Mar 25 2005 19:50:08 )
matt: all you do is come here to *beep* my mother and eat her food, *beep* FOODEATER

I always did love this movie" .

That line is HYSTERICAL. Mother%$#!@. Food Eater!

It also cracks me up when Feck is talking about his sister, and spontaneously informs us "she's real fat".

"I'll be expecting a sixer for this".


ahhh... so many to choose from
Tom: "Wasting pigs is radical man."

and definitely the *beep* up childhood one...
and lets not forget some of Layne's gems...
"I know Feck. Women are evil, you had to kill her"
"It's kind of... exciting. I feel like... Chuck Norris, y'know?"
"You think I'd at least rate a Michelob"


Dont' forget the best line of the all.

-Come on let me come with you guys. I can show you all a dead body.

-What, you got a girlfriend now?




Some great quotes you've selected here. But one suggestion, if I may...

I think the little sister says

"It's Clarissa, do you want me to tell her your buying a nick?" [as in "nickel bag"]
rather than
"It's Clarissa, do you want me to tell her your buying an egg?"




Ha, that's my fav. too:) I think he says MOTHER *UCKER, FOOD EATER, lol


Man I was watching this the other night and I literally spit out my soda after heaing Keanu's delivery, it was hillarious. FOODEATER was so funny maybe because he says it off camera.


LOl that made me laugh.

I was like, "I'm a damn FOOD EATER too!"


layne: the THINGS i do for my fking friends!!!

mike: N-O spells nuh-uh

tom: fck off kevin. wasting pigs is radical man.

Layne: I know, Feck. women are evil, you had to kill her.

feck: i killed a girl once
layne: i know, feck, you keep telling me that


layne: why did you kill her?
john: cause she was talking *beep*


Layne"Fine I'll do it myself then. I'll be expecting a sixer for this"

Layne"I'm gonna put another quarter in this machine and take over the *beep* universe."


Layne " do you think this runs on Gods own methane!!/!!


Feck: Check's in the mail.
You got any Bud in bottles?


"I poked at it with a stick"

"It's not easy having a good time, even smiling makes my face ache" -Dr. Frankenfurter


Tim: You pot-head, F U C K-brain!


Layne: "Get down, god damn it, you wanna get caught. Somebody *beep* narked."

Layne: "I'll do it myself. I'll be expecting a six'er for this. The things I do for my *beep* friends."

Layne: "You would do that, wouldnt you."

Layne: "God damn it, John, where the *beep* are you."

Layne: "Where you going, Mike. Get back here, god damn it."




what about when the teacher who was yelling at everybody and was giving a speech and asking everyone how they felt about the girl who was murdered. and a student said out loud as the teacher:

"Are we going to get tested on this sh#t."

that was so funny...

~*Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fall down the steps.*~



I love this movie and all the lines mentioned previously are genius. Here are some other winners...
John: I killed her
Tony: what'd you do? Sit on her?
also when Tim is riding in the stolen car bobbing his head kind of singing the word "Biiitchhh-iinnn!"
When Layne calls Tim "stub-dick."
Layne: "I poked at it with a stick."

The survivors of the Dixie Boy....
are still survivors.


"Hurry your ass!!!" Layne
"You're one crazy mother *beep* John." Layne
"I happen to know my friends. *beep* KNOW them." Layne

I love the way Chrispin Glover talks in this movie. Those are my favorite lines from him (Layne).
I quote him every time I watch it.

"Jack *beep* Twist!"
