MovieChat Forums > Ruthless People (1986) Discussion > The Clothes! My Eyes! Oh God, the Clothe...

The Clothes! My Eyes! Oh God, the Clothes

I know it was the 80's and there was a different idea about fashion then, but when Sandy was bringing down the clothes for Barbara to try on, I was a bit sick in my mouth. What the actual f...! Was she designing for a clown troupe? A convention of colour blind KIndergarten designers?

Ye gods, that was the worst. I'm no fashion guru - but nor was she, that's for sure.


That was bad fashion even for the 80s. It did look like she was trying to dress clowns.

I'm just expressing my opinion.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


Haha I liked it. Why does everything have to look the same? Good fashion challenges convention while being comfortable.
