MovieChat Forums > Ruthless People (1986) Discussion > Best line(s) in the movies

Best line(s) in the movies

There were so many good lines in the movie but these ones stand out.

Sam: Hello? Debbie? Listen Ralph, Debbie cannot come to the phone right now. My (blank) is in her mouth. She'll call you when she is done. I love wrong numbers.

Barbara: I've been kidnapped by K-mart!

Ken: She's no mother Teresa. Gandhi would have strangled her.

Lt. Bander: Give the bag to Bozo!

"We share the same biology regardless of ideology"-Sting, 1985



"This very well could be the most stupid person on the face of the earth".
"I can't even sale retail...and that's legal".
"You look like my mother. I hate my mother!"


Not really a line but one of my favorite moments is when Carol goes to Sam Stone's office to bring him his birthday present. After propering herself up on his desk and taking off her coat she asks him is there anything else you desire to which he says a big dog. Then the looks she gives him when she thinks he wants her to screw the dog. Even funnier when he says, It's for me. And you notice how she never locked the door behind her?


The ransom drop/robbery is hilarious. However, I think my favorite line is by Anita Morris when she is trying to figure out the Chief's response to their blackmail demand. I paraphrase, but she says something along the line of "Either the Chief is a complete idiot, and complete idiots are rare (a look at Bill Pullman) or something else is going on."


Biggest laugh for me is when he goes to the morgue to identify the body of his wife, and the cover is rolled back to reveal a dead black man:

"That's... not her"


After the Bedroom Killer falls down the stairs and dies, Barbara comments that he said that she looked like his mother, and Ken looked like his father, and tells Ken, "so if we had a child, this is what he would look like . . .pretty good argument for birth control."

Also at the end she tells the police that the Bedroom Killer was her kidnapper and he acted alone, and the police say he mentioned a partner. Barbara says, "he was schizophrenic; he thought he had partners."

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


I saw Ruthless People when it first came out in theatres, and when Barbara delivered the line "so if we had a child, this is what he would look like" the audience erupted into a long, loud roar of laughter. As a result, the "pretty good argument for birth control" line that followed was drowned out.


I have to agree with gary_painter, that part made me laugh my ass off.

If you wanna live in a country ruled by religion, try Iran.


@davi4u: that line was absolutely hilarious


I would say the line and action were funny. It was towards the end when the car goes over the pier and the money floats up. Then people jump in to grab at it.

Sam:"You can't do that!! That's my money!! Stop em'"
(Sam pushes the cop into the water)

"I never loved anyone like I loved myself.


And then ..It's Off to Haiti..yeah

Not Haiti ! - Ta-hi-ti

Served with the style of a real neurotic
the easy style of a true psychotic
J C Clarke


Sandy: No matter what I do she just...tears into me. She hates me.
Ken: Sandy, you're her kidnapper, she's supposed to hate you.

Barbara: Oh jeez, that really hurts. I'm a real aficionado of death camp cuisine!

Plus that monologue about the "San Quentin Country Club" that follows. absolutely hysterical!

Face to Face, the passions breathe. I Hate to stay, but then I Hate to leave /


I always loved:

Earl: If you shot at me, where's your gun?

Ken: Well, you're too sharp for me. You got me figured out. I don't have one.

"You know what a cautious fellow I am..."



"Youuuu miserable scumsucking pig! (demure) Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. They made me say that." "You scumbag, you lowlife motherflucker! (demure) Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. They made me say that, too."

Any time Judge is mad. Esp. to the endless rings at the phone booth. "You son of a bitch!" I still do that when I'm calling someone and they don't answer. And just the way he aggrvatingly goes, "Christ!!" when picking up the suitcase after dealing with Earl.

"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"


The funniest line in the movie has to be the exchange during the final money hand off.

"what the hell is going on"
"I'm robbing you"

And then

"this has to be the stupidest man on the face of the earth, maybe we should shoot him".

But I came here today from remembering the scene about the Dominator X1 where the guy goes with his girl friend and says these are the speakers I have

And the response the dominator's are for me who have little equipment exchange.


When Ken is selling the HUGE speakers to the teenager. He asks "how much?" Ken replies, "it doesn't matter, you can F'in finance it!"

We use that line all the time.



I loved the pained expression when he says "That was a new tire"


