MovieChat Forums > Ruthless People (1986) Discussion > Just re-watched after almost 30 years

Just re-watched after almost 30 years

I loved this flick back when i first saw it in 86, and i just saw it again after almost 30 years, and by god, it is still a very funny movie

I seem to always go back to the 80s comedies when i want a good laugh, especially john candy, eddie Murphy and steve Martin made some very funny movies back then.

It is so sad the way comedies today have stooped to fart and dope jokes. Bette Midler is so much fun in this, and bill pullman just cracks me up

Highly recommended of you want to have a good laugh.


This and "Hello, Again" are two of my favorite 80s comedies. I was born in 1985 so it's def not in my "culture" but I love how genuinely funny these movies are! Original for the time and only slightly dated when going back to re-watch.


Oh gosh... I loved all these funny campy movies! Ruthless People, Clue, War of the Roses, Romancing the Stone, Adventures in Babystitting, Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop, Princess Bride, etc... gosh to relive the days before the internet... and have my working Colecovision and Atari 5200 back... maybe, maybe not... anyway, the comedy was so well written, and we had much more physical comedy to boot and we weren't afraid of being 'Policitcally Correct'... no wonder I went to Anime in the mid 90's for my comedy... I miss movies like that. When it was written to be silly for silly sake and still fit the plot like a glove...

Tired of people telling me how young I am when I feel so old...


What makes this film amazing is that the people in the film are more like the ones you'll meet in 2014 than in 1986. It's like the people behind the film had a time machine.

Bette Midler owns this film.

...the highest compliment our culture grants artists nowadays is to be in an ad. - Tom Waits


Yeah, I feel this film really holds up, and their are so many personalities in this film (the sweet people, the backmailing type, the dolt, the sleazy businessman, the misunderstood wife). To me, it's just really funny and rich.


IMO, Ruthless People is a near-perfect comedy. Great humor from great characterizations, an intricate plot, and not one wasted scene in the entire thing. Current comedy writers & directors should be taking notes.


The plot was great. Lots of twists.


I hadn't seen this since I was 9 (parents covered my eyes during the tape) and watched it straight through just last night with some friends who needed a laugh. It's not a 100 gags like Airplane! and Top Secret! but it's loaded with witty dialogue. I used to think Devito was the best character but I now think him and Bette Midler are tied with honorable mention to Bill Pullman.
