Re-rated PG-13???

Ummm... anyone know if (and how) it is true that this movie got a PG-13 rating upon resubmission?

Granted, it is a rather light R-rated comedy (a couple of localized F-words plus the mild F-laced exchange between Judge Reinhold and the kid buying the stereo), but the video with the rather buxom, vocal prostitute seems to push it over the edge.

I don't know... with today's loosening standards, maybe it is PG-13 in the 21st century. :)

Any thoughts?


Just curious...what is your age demographic? I am almost 52, survived cancer twice and remember when Midnight Cowboy was rated X. I think the programs on network television are worse than this movie. And if you have ever seen it on non-cable television, it is cut so badly, the rating should be G.


This was the first Rated R movie I saw at a theatre and to me when I was a kid it was hardcore. It remains one of the best movies ever.


I'm 36. I agree there are far worse programs on network television. I guess I just mean how did it get a PG-13 when it still fits the MPAA's "standards" for an R.

And on network TV, it was hacked to pieces with 90% of the good humor gone. I wonder if Disney (who released this film under its Touchstone banner) had it in their contracts to have directors film alternate, family-friendly scenes. I've seen two of Bette Midler's Touchstone movies (this and OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE) on network TV/basic cable and they all had alternate takes rather than redubbed audio or what-not.

Sad that I'd say this, but her screaming "You messed with the wrong person!" instead of "You ****** with the wrong person!" just didn't bite hard enough. LOL


You're forgetting the "I love wrong numbers" scene. That, coupled with the f-words, would give this an R even today.


Plus you see the police chiefs womans titties hangin out of the car when he's bonin her

Marty. Y'know what we got here? MotherF&%kin' Charlie Bronson. Mr. Majestyk


Ruthless People would definitely still be an R if it were released today. If anything the film would be trimmed in a few of the sex scenes, which would then be reinstated for an inevitable "Unrated/Unleashed/Unseen" etc. edition.

And if you search for Ruthless People on the MPAA's website, you will see it has not been officially re-rated in the US, as a PG-13 or anything else. This is obviously a lie that someone submitted to the IMDB. For what reason I don't know, maybe it was a teen or kid who wanted to convince their parents they should be allowed to watch it?

This film rules by the way.


I don't know what everyone's talking about. The IMDB page clearly says Certification: R. The DVD says "R". Nothing has changed.
