Song ?

Does anyone know the name of the song played at the end when they meet up and play around on the beach ? It doesn't have any lyrics but it's very 80's, obviously :) .. Anyone ?


It is by a French composer named Michael Colombier, it is whats called score music. There is no official name for this piece, there are many pieces of score throughtout every movie. They usually dont name them in the credits. I particularly liked this piece as well and wish I could get a copy. If I happen to, I will surely come back on this post and let you know.


I love it too, I've always wanted to know if it had a title but after lots of searching I just assumed it was written for the film and nothing else came of it.

It's so lovely though, I love the way it builds up just as you see Sandy's face lighting up as she sees Ken emerging from the water :)

Every Jack has his Jill.
