Too Many Crooks

Though I love Ruthless People it really bugs me that it does not credit itself as being a remake of the Terry Thomas Classic "Too many Crooks" the plot is exactly the same and even some of the lines are American variations on the British originals.

Anyone else noticed this?

(By the way I have read the switch post and the mentions of "The ransom of the red chief" and neither have nearly so much in common with "Ruthles People" as does "Too many Crooks")



yes indeed. I am sitting here watching TOO MANY CROOKS and realized that indeed this is the plot and set up for Ruthless People. Ransom of Red Chief deals with an awful child and not a wife that her husband wants to be shed of.


We must both have been watching TCM. I'm stunned that ZAZ got away with claiming their screenplay was based on the O. Henry story, when it has almost nothing in common with "...Red Chief" and everything to do with Too Many Crooks. The plot is identical, the only real difference is that the American version conflated the kidnappers into two characters, and deleted the daughter.


I watched TOO MANY CROOKS & was amazed how much RUTHLESS PEOPLE stole from it!

Now, I did like RUTHLESS PEOPLE & I'm not sure which I'd say is better but yes, RP is much more like TMC than RANSOM OF RED CHIEF.

Sam Tomaino


just watched too many crooks which is a far superior movie. why didn't they acknowledge the fact that they completely copied the original british classic? classic british movies are so much better than anything hollywood spits out today: ie the ladykillers remake. that was a complete rip off and waste of film. truly no original ideas in hollywood.


Well, TCM showed TOO MANY CROOKS again, today!

As it was shown during the day there was no introduction or anything.

I hope it gets more notice and more people realize how RUTHLESS PEOPLE ripped it off without credit.

Too Many Crooks, indeed!

Sam Tomaino
