Is this on DVD yet?

I would love to have this movie. A few months ago, I was thinking of this movie, and remembering how funny it was when we saw it in the 80`s. It struck me that it never seemed to be shown on TV either, and then, low and behold, I see it on AMC last night....all cut up by commercials and edited for language content.
Is this on DVD yet? If not, it should be! It`s one of the funniest comedies I`ve seen.



Thank you very much for your nice response. I appreciate it.


I'll say in a kinder way... yes, it is on DVD... I believe it was released around 2002. I'm thinking that it may be difficult to find in stores though... your best bet is to check Amazon or eBay for a copy.

I know you are, but what am I?


Thank you Brandon. Actually, I ordered it from one of the local movie rental stores in my town, and I got it last week. Sure beats watching the cut up mess on AMC.
Thanks again, and Happy Holidays!
