Warm hearted fun

Just caught up with this again film after many years. Saw it first when I was a young lad and liked it. When you compare it against say Transformers - it comes across as very innocent- but unlike modern day sci fi films it has charm.

The contemporary reviews were lukewarm but they had no idea of the CGI fests to come which put bang crash action over characters.


I agree.

I took a girl (now my wife) to see it on our first date. She thought I was some kind of weird nerd taking her to a sci-fi film about a robot. She cried at the end. It was sweet.


I agree - really enjoyed this flick , a lot of fun to watch.
Sequel was lame.
I consider it more of a fantasy than science fiction.


I first saw Short Circuit on TV with my mom and we thought it was a really funny movie. Years later I got obsessed with it after seeing Wall-E I liked Number 5 "Johnny" because he was really cool. For Christmas I got Short Circuit 2 and then later got Short Circuit and it was still just as funny as I first saw it. Did you know that Number 5 actually got his name from songwriters Peter and Ina Wolf when they wrote the song Who's Johnny for Debarge and the name Johnny popped into Peter Wolf's head and the song was written. I don't know how Number 5 was so smart but he and Stephanie became best friends. But the funniest scene was when Number 5 takes Stephanie's catering truck and goes on a wild ride and I didn't know how he could drive the truck but it's a funny scene


a very well done movie, with spirit, like No. 5.
