MovieChat Forums > Three Amigos! (1986) Discussion > Was this film ever in theaters?

Was this film ever in theaters?

I ask, because the time it came out, i was only 3, and i cant remember what i did 5 minunts ago, let alone when i was 3.

Anyhow, i dont ever recall actuley reading anything about this film being in theaters, and i herd it was one of them hbo movies, which never make it to theaters, so, sry if im asking a dumb queston, but, was it in theaters?

Can i have your watch when you are dead?


Yeah, it was in theaters, but it was also on H.B.O. shortly after or even during the end theatrical run of the film. First time I saw it was on t.v. in 1986 the year it was released. I was 8 or 9 years old.


really? I thought for the longest time it was just one of those HBO films, the types that usualy never see theaters, but it did make it into theathers?

Can i have your watch when you are dead?


Yes, my brother and I saw this film the day it came out in theatres. We had seen ads in the paper and tv commercials and said oh we must go see that. I think we saw it three times in the theatres and then of course numerous times on video and now DVD. I worked with a cute girl named Dusty, she had a nice big butt so everyone called her Dusty Bottoms and she'd never seen the movie. So she rented it and thought it was hilarious(I don't know why she wouldn't have liked it).At any rate, long live this classic comedy.


Yes, and it grossed about 40 million.



I can remember seeing this in theaters when I was like 7. I can still remember a half hour special that ran on HBO to promote the release of the movie that included behind the scenes interviews with the stars on set.




Yeah, it was a big film in the theaters in 1986. It was somewhat of a hidden gem behind the big summer blockbusters "Top Gun" and "Stand by Me" but it made a nice funny alternative to those films. I think it grew in popularity after it came out on video and went to payTV.
"My hands are dirty too. What are you afraid of?" Harrison Ford in Empire Strikes Back


I remember going to see this alone, right after a huge blizzard. I couldn't convince anyone to see it with me because they thought it looked stupid. It was and I loved every minute of it.

What 'bout you, Brishi? Whaa your baaad bo'friend do?


I'm proud to have seen this in the theater!


Yes it was; I saw it on December 18, 1986 in one of our local theaters. I remember the date because I was pregnant and it was my due date. When Dusty killed the Invisible Swordsman, I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna pop my baby out right there. He wasn't born for another week but it was close!


I think that would've been funnier than the film. You go into labor right there.


I think that would've been funnier than the film. You go into labor right there.

Oh yeah, loads of laughs. LMAO!!!

The son that I had a week later is one of the funniest people I know. He does dead-on impressions and has a wicked, razor sharp sense of humor. It HAD to be the Amigos influence.


That's Roxy. She could kick your @ss!


Please tell me that when he was a baby you sang "My Little Buttercup" to him as a lullaby.


baheidstu-351-733122 on Tue Dec 18 2012 12:40:59
Please tell me that when he was a baby you sang "My Little Buttercup" to him as a lullaby.

No, but I did sing "Blue Shadows" to him once in awhile when I tried to get him to go to sleep.

Check out the date you commented, baheidstu: the 26th anniversary of the movie's opening. :)

That's Roxy. She could kick your @ss!


Well, how old are you now? I ask because if you are older, you should have some memory of things from 5 minutes ago, unless you are dying of Alzheimer's. Okay, back to your question: it came out in December 1986, before Christmas. It opened and closed quickly. You can see the release date on this board, by the way. And by the way, don't worry about when you were three and not remembering things from then-that is true with everyone.


Heck yah it was in theatres. I still remember being excited to go see it, talking to my friends about it on the bus on my way home from school. =)


The ONLY movie I have ever walked out of in the theater. I have since come to appreciate it and thoughroughly love it.


I am aware that this post is nearly six years old but yes, this movie was shown in theaters. I remember my parents taking me to a United Artists theater to see it.


You know that this very site has a box office/business link, so why wouldn't you just go there to look this up?

You are here enough and in deep enough to be posting something, so you should be able to find these other features for any film in IMDB!!

That would make 3 Christmas' I've saved, vs. 8 that I've ruined; two were kind of a draw..
