I'm watching this episode by episode, and so far all they ever do is hug! DON'T THEY EVER KISS??? Did Linda Hamilton have a no kissing clause in her contract? -As far as Ron Perlman that is?

My Gallery:


They kiss at the end of 'A Happy Life' (Season 1 finale) but the creators were forced to kind of 'animate?' the scene due to pressure from the network.

Still, it happened.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Since their real heads didn't move, I'd hardly call that a real kiss!

My Gallery:


I agree, but it's as close as we were allowed to see.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


If you want spoilers > There's a 'spiritual kiss' in 'A Happy Life' -a grateful kiss in 'Orphans' & a very odd kiss in 'Though Lovers be Lost'-Linda H actually wanted the relationship to progress a bit more, but the writers didn't want too much romance


Stupid writers...

Unfortunately, the only place you'll see some serious kissing (among other things) is in Fan art.

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter


Any kiss on the mouth IS a real kiss. Catherine also kissed Vincent in "The Rest is Silence" when he was unconscious.

WTH are you talking about? The writers didn't want too much romance? The whole freakin' show was about romance. It wasn't the writers that nixed the physical intimacy, it was the network that was afraid that people would see it is beastiality and stop watching.


Okay. Stupid network..

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter


She kisses him on the lips at the end of...The Watcher I think. They hug at the entrance to her apartment building and she goes to walk away. Then she stops, turns around, and kisses him lightly on the lips, and says "Thank you Vincent", smiles, then goes back to her building. He looks a little like "...did that just happen?" haha super cute


I just started this series, but are we to assume that after only a few kisses, Catherine is suddenly pregnant with Vince's child at the start of Season 3 with no prior implied sexual relationship?

"Just tell the minister, I'm gonna be a few minutes late". *Cue John Williams' Superman theme*


Don't know if you've watched the end of season 2 -Spoilers if you want them > Vincent has some kind of mental/physical break-down & is afraid he'll hurt someone, so he isolates himself in the lower tunnels -Catherine is warned by Father, but goes to Vincent anyway -He nearly strikes her, but then falls down unconscious & they supposedly make love -Most fans were disappointed & wrote fanfics about their lovelife


I was 6 when I saw this BatB for the first time and I loved it. Lately, I've been revisiting the episodes because the last time I saw them I was a kid so it's like every episode is new again.

I just finished watching "Orphans" and I am not ashamed to admit that I actually jumped up and down when she kissed him at the end. OMG! I have been making noises of frustration when all I get is a hand hold or a hug. Not that those aren't nice and sweet in their own way, but geez!

I can only imagine what it was like to watch the show in the 80s and hope/pray for a kiss each week, but NEVER GETTING ONE!!!!! I just don't remember much about the show other than I LUUUUUUUUUUUUVED Vincent. It must have been very frustrating. It's still frustrating now and I just want to throw something.

In "Orphans" when Vincent takes her to that spare room/cave and then he turns to leaves, she calls out his name and he stops, but then she doesn't say anything else!!!!!! I was actually yelling at my TV, "You ask him to stay with you, Catherine! All night!" Grrrrrr!

Rant over. I'm in love with this show all over again.



They kissed in a happy life, on the episode Orphans, though lovers be lost and again in the part two episode. Yes they have kissed.

