Need help for fanfic BATB

I got this idea of Catherine being wrongfully accused of murder, Vincent risks his existences to keep Catherine from going to jail even with Father's worry.

Need ideas for a title and plot. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated very much.


Sounds like a great idea red_rackham_77 -(Research classic novel 'Crime and Punishment') Title: The Greater Good - Catherine is investigating an accused criminal that is about to go trial, but the evidence is weak -He is murdered, thrown from her balcony -The prosecution accuses her of being a vigilante -Catherine's alibi is being with Vincent Below -Will a Helper commit perjury for her? Must Vincent reveal himself to save her? Or will the truth prevail at the the eleventh hour?


I thought of Vincent being her one alibi but that was played in the hollow men and we all know Vincent would come out to her aide. Maybe there is one witness who fears for his life but Vincent does his appearances in the dark and talk. Saying "the life of the woman I love is at stake".
