MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > What are your favorite quotes from TV's ...

What are your favorite quotes from TV's Beauty and The Beast

I've read through all the topics here and didn't see one for favorite quotes, so I figure I should start one. I'll go first. Keep in mind, these are just a couple of my favorite quotes:

Vincent to Kipper: "Not unless you take the wrong tunnel, you could end up in China".

Catherine to Father: "Father, he is my life, without him there is nothing".


It made me laugh when Mouse said "Arrive before Mouse you're early, arrive after Mouse you're late."


I am not sure I will get this 100% right but, "Darkness is only the absence of light, and all winters end."


“I've named my son Jacob.”


Wait a minute... who am I here?


"Follow your heart. Its the only thing you can ever really count on."


"If this is my fate, I accept it gratefully."


From The Rest Is Silence:
Vincent to Catherine: 'Whatever happens, whatever comes, know that I love you!'
Catherine to Father: 'He is my life! Without him, there is nothing!'

From Though Lovers Be Lost:
Catherine to Vincent: 'You're among people who love you.'
Catherine to Joe: 'You have a heart like his.'

From Walk Slowly:
Vincent (during Catherine's eulogy): 'And the truth I could never share with you was the truth of how deeply I loved you.'

I especially love the last one, since I can identify with that one so much.
Last year I befriended a guy and we've become like best friends. I was there when his mother died unexpectedly and it created a bond between us. A bond, believe it or not, stronger than friendship or love.
He seeks comfort with me when he's in pain. I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and seek his comfort when I'm going through some tough times. And from the moment I saw him, he captured my heart. But he's straight (as far as I know), but... I don't think I've ever loved someone as much as I love him. He really is my life and I would go to the moon and back and all around the world for him.

Just wanted to share this with you guys.


From Nor Iron Bars a Cage :
Vincent to Catherine : " You look like an angel standing there..."
Catherine to Vincent : " I needed to see you... I have a decision to make and I need your help..."


Not so much a quote from the series, but I love Ron's reading of Sonnet XXIX on "Of Love and Hope".

When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featur'd like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

It seems so apt for Vincent.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Vincent to Pascal: "Oh I believe it, but Pascal don't you ever get tired?"...from "An Impossible Silence".

Never underestimate the genius of Michael Jackson, my sweet angelic warrior!


I have never heard a more beautiful tribute than Vincent's eulogy for Catherine:

"There was a moment when the way was still new, and I was afraid to hope.

You put your hand on mine, and nothing had ever felt like that to me, like your touch.

I wanted to weep.

You turned and looked at me and your eyes were filled with dancing light and I was bathed in your warmth.

And I believed in that moment that, even for me, all things were possible.

In that moment, in your light, I felt what it is to be beautiful.

How many lives were touched by you, how many lives were transformed by your courage to give, and to love?

How many became beautiful in your light?

How we promised always to share the truth. Always.

But Catherine, there was a truth beyond anything, beyond everything I'd ever known, ever dreamed.

It was the truth of all you gave, of all you sacrificed for me.

The truth of your love humbled me, silenced me.

And the truth I could never share with you, was the truth of how deeply I loved you.

I will remember, I will remember every moment, every word, every look, every touch.

Our love lives - it will live forever - nothing will destroy this - love does not die

You're safe. You're safe now. Sleep, my love".

Ron Perlman was sublime in this role and particularly in this moment.

(This is a transcript from a recording so any errors of punctuation etc are those of the transcriber.)

Unpalatable truths are no less true.


Vincent to Catherine on several occasions: "Always".

Never underestimate the genius of our beloved warrior, Michael Jackson! 1958 -


Dark Spirit Vincent's reply to Narcissa's warning of Alexander Ross's great power: "He thrives on weakness. He has no power!"

