MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > An underrated television masterpiece ful...

An underrated television masterpiece full of believable characters

This show was way ahead of it's time. It's a work of absolute brilliance. Ron Perlman's best work along with hellboy. He really becomes the character of Vincent and is an undeniably underrated actor. Most likely because he's not the perfect face pretty boy of most big blockbusters. What Perlman brings to this beast is more heart than you'll see in any movie EVER made about this story. The stories, the passion, the danger, the friendship, the courage, and survival against the real world finding this hidden place and destroying it. Love it or hate it, it's an original all it's own.


I whole-heartedly agree! <3


And ... sadly, it ended way too soon. I was very peeved at Linda for a long time for the events in season three and the shows cancellation. I was so looking forward to the reboot to recapture the romance of this show ... and am utterly disappointed in it.

At least we got two great seasons out of this impressive show.



Well, to be fair India_Ana, Linda H. was pregnant & wanted fewer hours, but TPTB refused -So she chose to leave -I blame the writers & producers -It was their decision to kill off Catherine -I would've preferred the role had been recast, but they chose another route -Either way there would've been dissatisfied fans, but personally I would've preferred any Catherine rather than none at all -But of course there's always fan fiction where Catherine & Vincent are together :) - I also had high hopes for the reboot, but it missed the point entirely - I wish they had at least used different names for the lead characters, which IMO is the only similarity to 'our' show


I wasn't aware of any of this at the time though. We didn't have internet back then, (or rather, I didn't ), and I didn't read the entertainment magazines. I also learned a few years ago that Linda was stressed due to problems with mental illness ... so I don't hold it against her anymore.

Like you, I would have preferred they used a different actress for Catherine, rather than going in the direction they did. At the time I was even hoping they could convince Linda's twin to take the role. But yeah, a switch in actresses would have been the best option.



I only heard from other fans & the B&B guide books - With Linda leaving, the writers & producers took the 'opportunity' they wanted to make the series more action/less romance - I didn't terribly dislike Diana, but didn't want she & Vincent to develop into a romantic couple -There is an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation titled 'Legacy' guest starring Beth Toussaint, who would've made an excellent choice as a replacement for Catherine -She had the look, voice & mannerisms, but again they didn't choose that route & the series was cancelled -But I reiterate, there's great fan fiction out there


Ohhh ... yeah ... Beth Toussaint would have been perfect. I really wish they had given her the role of Catherine. I don't read fanfiction. I don't like reading medium/large portions of works on the computer. Maybe when I finally get around to getting a tablet or eReader I might then check some out. 

Right now Outlander (2014) is filling my romance needs.

Vincent + Catherine
Max + Liz
Edward + Bella
Jamie + Claire



Still my favorite TV series. I received the entire series on DBR last year and am thoroughly enjoying watching from the beginning. Ron Perlman was superb as Vincent and deserved so much more appreciation than he received. I am sorry ot ended.


I totally agree with this! I watched the show when it first came out(and I really wish we had on-line discussion groups back then).

I just watched some episodes from second season, and was captivated all over again by Vincent's character. Nothing like that before or since!

