MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > Why so much dislike for Diana? I don't g...

Why so much dislike for Diana? I don't get it!

I know many fans dislike Dianna Bennett, but I don't understand why.
Are some fans really so upset that Catherine died and that Diana became Vincent's new love interest? And please don't come up with stories that she wasn't Vincent's last lines in the final episode proof this. When Diana asks him if he's thinking about Catherine his reply is 'Always... And you'. Had the show continued we've definitely seen more of their romance. And why else dis Vincent also feel it when Diana was in danger? Remember when she was attacked at the tunnel entrance at the end of A Time To Heal?

Also, Diana always spoke lovingly about Catherine whom she never knew. I really do believe that the fans who hate Diana really need to get a life. I know it's only a show but if the story had continued would most fans rather have Vincent mourn over Catherine the rest of his life? I think Diana was a special woman who accepted Vincent for who he was the moment she laid eyes on him. She saved his life, killed Catherine's killer and never betrayed the world below. To be honost, I like the third season much more than the second season which had no character development until the last three eps. And I for one would have loved a full third season with Diana in all of them. As much of a Linda Hamilton I am, Jo Anderson really surprised me and made me accept Catherine's death the minute she appeared on the show.


I call it the "Riley Factor". When Angel went off to his own spin-off from "Buffy" there had to be a new romantic involvement for Ms. Summers. On the face of it, Riley was fine. Except he wasn't Angel, so the fans hated him.

See also Matt Smith (after David Tennant in "Doctor Who").

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Thanks for the reply LeMarchand, but it won´t do for me. I already figured this out for myself. But let´s be honost, the majority of the BatB fans wouldn´t have given any new character a fair chance. They claim to care for this show and love Vincent, well, if they do/did, why did most of them want him to mourn Catherine for the rest of his life?

The fact that Diana was no Catherine-clone made it so easy for me to accept her as the fuiture love interest for Vincent. Also they way she apologized to Catherine after telling Joe that probably Cathy made Vincent up since it's what a lot of survivers like Catherine do to create a new life. She showed so much respect to a woman she never knew and who was only a case to her in the first place.

Do I hate that Catherine died? YES!
Do I hate that they came up with a new love interest for Vincent? NO, I think the writers and Jo Anderso did a marvelous job!


*Spoiler Alert*

Just watched Diana shoot Gabriel through his black heart ~ so deserved that victims finally got some Justice.

Also, in some of last episodes, McHattie (Gabriel) is not listed in opening credits. Anyone know why?


Wasn't that a great ending?

I love that episode. Actually I feel that way about Season 3 in general.

And McHattie doesn't appear again after Diana kills him, so that's why his name is out of the credits.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Hey Treg1980 - I don't hate Diana, but to me she was a bit bland -I actually liked certain scenes; when she took Vincent to her loft & watched over him until he woke -I suppose the reason a lot of fans prefer Catherine is that C&V had formed a bond from their first meeting and if that bond could be lost & also formed again with another woman it wasn't special anymore -Many viewed C&V as the ultimate romantic couple & didn't want to see that end -I really thought her death was written with malice by the writers b/c Linda wanted to leave -I thought writing in the baby was a very bad idea since Vincent would have to get a babysitter whenever he had to run off & save the day -I would've preferred a Catherine look-alike actress, but they didn't choose that route -If they had let Catherine remain missing without an explanation or a body, the 'character' could've at least returned -The bond could've been broken b/c Catherine lost her memory ---If the series had begun with Diana & Vincent I probably would've felt the same way if she had been written out -Just my opinion


I rather liked her, myself- she was interesting. I liked that she was so deeply committed to her work as a cop that she'd only do it on her terms, so that she could focus on what was needed to make things as "right" as she could. Admittedly, I wasn't terribly fond of her obvious crush on Vincent (bad taste on the writers' part, I think, so soon after Catherine's death), but I certainly understood it. A girl can dream, right?

As for Vincent ever returning such affection? Eh... I don't see it. I'm not saying it'd be impossible, or betraying Catherine's memory or anything like that- in fact, I know she'd want him to find happiness again. But what those two shared was kind of a once-in-a-lifetime thing, a bonding of souls so profound that anything else would pale in comparison. While Vincent and Diana make good friends, she'd never settle for second best, and Vincent is far too much of a gentleman to ever lead her on.

I mean, really... as desperately in love with Catherine as he was, he still couldn't quite take the leap into an "official"/physical relationship (outside of the events resulting in lil Jacob, of course), so why on earth would ever go there with... well, anyone else? "Lessons learned" can only push so far.


I honestly have no strong feelings about her one way or another. She was, after all, only in ten episodes. Perhaps if the show had gotten a full 22 episode third season plus another full 22 episode fourth season I might've softened more to her? I didn't dislike the actress at least and she had her moments.

It did annoy me at times that they went a bit too hard on her feelings about Vincent at times, but I guess with only 12 episodes to write out Catherine and introduce a new female protagonist it was inevitable that they had to rush it.

But of course I'll always prefer Catherine, but Diana really had the ungrateful task to try and step into her shoes in a record pace.
