Signed, Sealed, Delivered

I know that some of the regulars here often complain that most shows these days are too violent/"sexy" and long for the days of more innocent programming. Well, may I present for your consideration: "Signed, Sealed, Delivered".

It follows the adventurers of four workers in Denver's Dead Letter Office who have to track down the recipient of a delayed letter and generally end up putting something right in the process. Think "Touched By An Angel" with postal workers instead of an angel (though one does appear in one of the specials). It lacks the romance of BatB, though two of the leads are growing closer (the romance between the other two is mainly comedy relief) but does feature a fair bit of Shakespeare/literature and (obviously) letter writing. One episode pretty much is just the two main leads reading a bunch of letters to each other and yet somehow manages to be one of the most moving installments! It is fromage of the highest order (it's on Hallmark) but both Mme LeMarchand and I love it and it should appeal to those who just want something more "gentle".

If you're interested, start with the pilot/film then move on to the series after which there is one TV movie at the current time with another due in June and more to follow.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.
