MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > 2012 version renewed for a 4th season!

2012 version renewed for a 4th season!

I know most of you hate the new BatB show and I didn't like it for a long time either. But... beging bored I gave it another chance last summer.
I told myself that besides the names of the main characters it has nothing to do with 'our' beloved show and guess what, it kinda worked.
I really enjoyed the show this time around. Yes season 1 is much better than the mess that is season 2 (sounds familiar??), but still it's entertaining. This show had become my guilty pleasure! The actore are not bad at all, Kristin Kreuk whom I didn't like in Smallville is doing a good job as Cat and Jay Ryan surprised me as well.

And now I just found out that the show has been renewed for a 4th season!! Will i ever be as good as 'our' show? Nope, but what show will?


Therein lies the rub: by designating it a re-whatever of "our" series it puts an actual re-whatever of the 80s version out of bounds for a good few years. I doubt many object to different interpretations of the story (I have never heard of anyone complaining about the Disney version); it's the fact that the CW version means that the slim hope that we'd ever get more of "our" BatB is now all but gone.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


But wasn't that hope already gone? There wasn't any talk of bringing it back for a long time. The last time tbtb talked a possible movie was somewhere 2000/2001. Since then it was nothing more but fans' whistful thinking.

What I would have done were I one the new versions' creators, was make this beast Joacob, Vincent and Catherine's son and of course let Kristin Kreuk be his love interest.
I know the sets of our show are all but destroyed, but they could have come up with a storyline explaining how the tunnel world no longer excists.
I'm sure Linda Hamilton would have made some guest appearances as Catherine's ghost, Ron Perlman would definitely make some appearances as Vincent and who knows... Roy Dotrice, Jo Anderson, Jay Acovone...

Why they didn't go with this is beyond me.


But wasn't that hope already gone?

Nope, particularly after the new version was announced. Unfortunately (as most suspected) it turned out to be a CW show called "Beauty and the Beast" (fine if that's your bag) rather than anything to do with "our" show.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I liked Kristen in Smallville --- I watched the first 2 eps of the CW version & couldn't take it - I wish they hadn't promoted it as a reboot or used the characters names Catherine & Vincent - Jason & Rachel would've been fine -I don't like the 'beast' - Just my opinion


I had the exact same problem Cathvin, but then I decided to give it another chance and ignored the fact that they use the same names and it works for me.


There's been no kidnapping and no Gabriel, so I'm not into it.


Wait a minute... who am I here?
