MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > So the New 'Beauty And The Beast' on The...

So the New 'Beauty And The Beast' on The CW...

...will now run at least as long as this show did. ed-by-the-cw/261847/

I will now swallow my tongue.


Wait a minute... who am I here?



The whole show is an insult to the original.

It obviously has its fans, but I just wish that it never claimed to be a re-whatever of "our" show. If it had been a show that just happened to use elements from the fairy tale story, we'd still be able to dream of a sequel to "our" show; now there seems little chance of that happening.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Yeah, besides the basic theme of 'a' beauty and 'a' beast, (and I use the term beast quite loosely) it bears little resemblance to the original - I only watched about 2 eps - Just couldn't take it -I agree, this show did have fans, but I also believe it shouldn't have used the original show's names of Catherine Chandler & Vincent -If their names had been say, Rachel & Jason for example it might've been easier to accept (for me anyhow) -And I do believe the CW show has greatly lessened the possibility of a tv movie ever being made to reunite 'our' Catherine & Vincent -But hey, that's what fanfic is for


I agree with all of the above. I also only watched it twice and that was more than enough.

This show is for the "Twilight" crowd.

I know of only one duty, and that is to love... Albert Camus


How is it for the 'Twilight' crowd? I see no 'Twilight' connection in the CW BATB (2012) show. As a 'Twilight Saga' fan, as well as a BATB (1987) fan, I am extremely disappointed in the CW BATB remake.



From the publicity (I couldn't bring myself to watch a whole ep):

HOT (but somewhat wet) young woman.
HOT but troubled outsider with special powers.
Characters that appeal primarily to teenage girls.
Did I mention how HOT the leads are?

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


To me, the old show had a lot more of a 'Twilight' vibe than the remake. As well as 'Roswell.'



I think the two of us see different things in "Twilight"! I reckon Ms Meyers was a fan of "Roswell".

I can see a similarity between R and new BatB (wet pretty female lead with dark hair + pretty young angsty actors), but the only other BatB link is that one of the actresses went on to be "Beauty" on "Once Upon A Time".

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I'm going by the strong bond between the couples. There's too much conflict that comes between the remake V&C. Stephenie doesn't recall ever seeing 'Roswell.'

